Zak Patterson 489bb26504 Fix links and settings for deploying to gh-pages
Rename root document file so it goes to index.html
2019-02-01 15:54:11 -05:00

50 lines
1.1 KiB

layout: home
title: "Outwatch Router"
section: "home"
Outwatch Router
```scala mdoc
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
import cats.Applicative
import cats.data.Kleisli
import outwatch.router._, Router._
sealed abstract class Page
case class RootPage() extends Page
case class Login() extends Page
case class Register() extends Page
case class Profile(userId: String) extends Page
case class NotFound() extends Page
object Page{
def root: Page = RootPage()
def login: Page = Login()
def register: Page = Register()
def profile(userId: String): Page = Profile(userId)
def notFound: Page = NotFound()
def routes[F[_]: Applicative]: AppRouter[F, Page] = Kleisli[F, Path, Page] {
case Root => Page.root.pure[F]
case Root / "login" => Page.login.pure[F]
case Root / "register" => Page.register.pure[F]
case Root / "profile" / userId => Page.profile(userId).pure[F]
case _ => Page.notFound.pure[F]
val router = routes[Id]
router.run(Root / "login")
router.run(Root / "profile" / "saopa98f")