Further cleanup and code improvements

Cleanup up commented unused code
Improved ballast setup function(now uses an array of ballast pointers)
This commit is contained in:
Rohan Sircar 2020-08-02 12:34:46 +05:30
parent 6dbc50875c
commit 2df921c435

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
#include <Streaming.h>
#define RELAY_ON 0
#define RELAY_OFF 1
// #define ESP_TO_ARDUINO_PIN 2
#define BALLAST_SIZE 3
SoftwareSerial s(5, 6); //RX,TX
RTC_DS1307 rtc;
@ -25,11 +26,12 @@ struct ballast
int relayPin;
struct ballast ballast1, ballast2, ballast3;
// struct ballast ballasts[3];
struct ballast *ballasts[BALLAST_SIZE] = {
&ballast1, &ballast2, &ballast3};
void setupBallast(ballast *b);
void setupBallast(ballast *b, JsonObject &root, int i);
void doBallast(ballast *b);
int setupBallasts(ballast *b_arr[], size_t arr_size, JsonObject &root);
void doBallast(ballast *b, int hr, int mn);
void updateBallast(ballast *b, JsonObject &root);
void manualMode(ballast *b);
int getFreeRam();
@ -37,46 +39,26 @@ const size_t bufferSize = JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(3) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(2) + 3 * JSON_OB
unsigned long currentMillis;
unsigned long loopMillis;
unsigned long loopPeriod = 1000;
const unsigned long loopPeriod = 1000;
unsigned long data_send_millis;
unsigned long data_send_period = 2000;
const unsigned long data_send_period = 2000;
static bool manualFlag;
// char roul[] = "is a fag";
// char data[60];
void setup()
// put your setup code here, to run once:
//rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__)));
//Tell me esp that arduino has turned on
//Tell the esp that arduino has turned on
// analogWrite(13, 255);
digitalWrite(13, 1);
// strcpy(roul,"");
//while (!Serial) continue;
// DateTime now = rtc.now();
//StaticJsonBuffer<400> jsonBuffer1;
// DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(bufferSize);
StaticJsonBuffer<bufferSize> jsonBuffer;
JsonObject &root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(s);
// while (!root.success())
// {
// Serial << "Invalid or no JSON received at setup." << endl;
// root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(s);
// }
// root.printTo(data);
// while(root == JsonObject::invalid())
// {
// Serial.println(F("Error code1");
// }
setupBallast(&ballast1, root, 1);
setupBallast(&ballast2, root, 2);
setupBallast(&ballast3, root, 3);
setupBallasts(ballasts, BALLAST_SIZE, root);
// setupBallast(&ballast2, root, 2);
// setupBallast(&ballast3, root, 3);
Serial.println(F("Settings initialized via json"));
if (root["manual"] == F("True"))
@ -88,15 +70,12 @@ void setup()
data_send_millis = millis();
// // static bool newData = false;
void loop()
while (!rtc.begin())
Serial.println(F("Couldn't find RTC"));
//while (1);
@ -105,29 +84,19 @@ void loop()
Serial.println(F("RTC is NOT running!"));
const DateTime now = rtc.now();
const int hour = now.hour();
const int min = now.minute();
if (s.available() > 0)
// delay(100);
// DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(bufferSize);
// const size_t bufsize = JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(3) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(2) + 3*JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(5);
// StaticJsonBuffer<bufsize> jsonBuffer;
StaticJsonBuffer<bufferSize> jsonBuffer;
JsonObject &root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(s);
if (root.success())
Serial << F("Received JSON") << endl;
// // data = "";
// root.printTo(data);
// // newData = true;
// }
// if (newData)
// {
// Serial.println(F("Parsing data"));
// DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(bufferSize);
// JsonObject &root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(data);
// root.prettyPrintTo(Serial);
updateBallast(&ballast1, root);
updateBallast(&ballast2, root);
updateBallast(&ballast3, root);
@ -142,7 +111,6 @@ void loop()
Serial.println(F("Manual set to false"));
// newData = false;
currentMillis = millis();
@ -158,9 +126,9 @@ void loop()
doBallast(&ballast1, hour, min);
doBallast(&ballast2, hour, min);
doBallast(&ballast3, hour, min);
// Serial << F("Free RAM: ") << getFreeRam() << endl;
@ -174,8 +142,7 @@ void loop()
JsonObject &root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
JsonArray &lcd_data = root.createNestedArray("lcdData");
char time_buffer[10];
DateTime now = rtc.now();
sprintf(time_buffer, "%02d:%02d", now.hour(), now.minute());
sprintf(time_buffer, "%02d:%02d", hour, min);
// root["hello"] = ("world");
@ -193,20 +160,23 @@ void setupBallast(ballast *b)
b->shour = 14;
b->smin = 0;
b->fadePeriod = 60 * 60000;
//b->stage = 0;
b->stage = 0;
b->brightness = 0;
b->pin = 11;
void setupBallast(ballast *b, JsonObject &root, int i)
int setupBallasts(ballast *b_arr[], size_t arr_size, JsonObject &root)
pinMode(b->pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(b->relayPin, OUTPUT);
if (arr_size < 3)
Serial << "Error: array size less than 3" << endl;
return -1;
JsonArray &settings = root["settings"];
JsonObject &settings0 = settings[0];
JsonObject &settings1 = settings[1];
JsonObject &settings2 = settings[2];
if (i == 1)
ballast *b = b_arr[0];
b->id = 1;
b->shour = settings0["shour"];
unsigned long fP = settings0["fadePeriod"];
@ -218,9 +188,11 @@ void setupBallast(ballast *b, JsonObject &root, int i)
b->pin = 11;
b->relayPin = 2;
b->fadeStartMillis = millis();
pinMode(b->pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(b->relayPin, OUTPUT);
else if (i == 2)
ballast *b = b_arr[1];
b->id = 2;
b->shour = settings1["shour"];
unsigned long fP = settings1["fadePeriod"];
@ -232,9 +204,11 @@ void setupBallast(ballast *b, JsonObject &root, int i)
b->pin = 10;
b->relayPin = 4;
b->fadeStartMillis = millis();
pinMode(b->pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(b->relayPin, OUTPUT);
else if (i == 3)
ballast *b = b_arr[2];
b->id = 3;
b->shour = settings2["shour"];
unsigned long fP = settings2["fadePeriod"];
@ -246,42 +220,15 @@ void setupBallast(ballast *b, JsonObject &root, int i)
b->pin = 9;
b->relayPin = 7;
b->fadeStartMillis = millis();
pinMode(b->pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(b->relayPin, OUTPUT);
return 0;
void updateBallast(ballast *b, JsonObject &root)
JsonArray &settings = root["settings"];
// JsonObject &settings0 = settings[0];
// JsonObject &settings1 = settings[1];
// JsonObject &settings2 = settings[2];
// if (b->id == 1)
// {
// b->shour = settings0["shour"];
// unsigned long fP = settings0["fadePeriod"];
// b->fadePeriod = fP * 60000;
// b->smin = settings0["smin"];
// b->ehour = settings0["ehour"];
// b->emin = settings0["emin"];
// }
// if (b->id == 2)
// {
// b->shour = settings1["shour"];
// unsigned long fP = settings1["fadePeriod"];
// b->fadePeriod = fP * 60000;
// b->smin = settings1["smin"];
// b->ehour = settings1["ehour"];
// b->emin = settings1["emin"];
// }
// if (b->id == 3)
// {
// b->shour = settings2["shour"];
// unsigned long fP = settings2["fadePeriod"];
// b->fadePeriod = fP * 60000;
// b->smin = settings2["smin"];
// b->ehour = settings2["ehour"];
// b->emin = settings2["emin"];
// }
Serial << "id = " << b->id << endl;
JsonObject &settings_i = settings[b->id - 1];
b->shour = settings_i["shour"];
@ -291,11 +238,8 @@ void updateBallast(ballast *b, JsonObject &root)
b->ehour = settings_i["ehour"];
b->emin = settings_i["emin"];
int getStage(ballast *b)
int getStage(ballast *b, int hr, int mn)
DateTime now = rtc.now();
int hr = now.hour();
int mn = now.minute();
Serial.print(F("Current hour is: "));
Serial.print(F("Current minute is: "));
@ -348,17 +292,14 @@ int getStage(ballast *b)
return 1;
int getStage2(ballast *b)
int getStage2(ballast *b, int hr, int mn)
const DateTime now = rtc.now();
int hr = now.hour();
int mn = now.minute();
Serial.print(F("Current hour is: "));
Serial.print(F("Current minute is: "));
const unsigned int current_time = (now.hour() * 60) + now.minute();
const unsigned int current_time = (hr * 60) + mn;
const unsigned int start_time = ((b->shour * 60) + b->smin);
const unsigned int end_time = ((b->ehour * 60) + b->emin);
const unsigned int fade_period = (b->fadePeriod / 60000);
@ -381,7 +322,7 @@ int getStage2(ballast *b)
// const unsigned long time_offset = settings_time - current_time;
void doBallast(ballast *b)
void doBallast(ballast *b, int hr, int mn)
// Log.notice(F("-------------------Ballast%d-------------------"));
Serial << "-------------------Ballast" << b->id << "-------------------" << endl;
@ -398,8 +339,8 @@ void doBallast(ballast *b)
Serial.print(F("Brightness: "));
const int stage = getStage2(b);
const int stage2 = getStage(b);
const int stage = getStage2(b, hr, mn);
const int stage2 = getStage(b, hr, mn);
Serial.print(F("Stage: "));
Serial << "Stage2 = " << stage2 << endl;
@ -475,9 +416,8 @@ void doBallast(ballast *b)
// Serial.println(b->brightness);
// b->fadeStartMillis = currentMillis;
// }
DateTime now = rtc.now();
const unsigned int fade_period = (b->fadePeriod / 60000);
const unsigned long current_time = now.hour() * 60 + now.minute();
const unsigned long current_time = hr * 60 + mn;
const unsigned long settings_time = (b->ehour * 60 + b->emin + fade_period);
const unsigned long time_offset = fade_period - (settings_time - current_time);
const unsigned int brightness2 = map(time_offset, 0, fade_period, 255, 0);