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package org.gerweck.scalafx.util
package prefs
import java.util.prefs._
import scalafx.application.Platform.runLater
import org.gerweck.scala.util.prefs._
/* TODO: take an implicit that will deteremine whether this is an `ObjectProperty` or what */
class ObservablePref[A] protected (path: String)(implicit handler: Pref.AccessHandler[A], prefs: Preferences)
extends Pref[A](path) { thisPref =>
lazy val observe: ObjectProperty[A] = {
val initialValue: A = this()
val property = ObjectProperty[A](initialValue)
/* We build two bridges, one that listens for changes in the preferences system and pushes
* them into the observable property, and another that listens for updates to the property and
* pushes them to the preference system. Each bridge is gated so that it only activates if the
* value has actually changed, which prevents the infinite looping that would otherwise occur
* in a bidirectional bridge. */
/* Preferences => Property bridge */
/* In Scala 2.12, the callback could just be bare inside `addPreferenceChangeListener`.
* However, it must be created explicitly since we cross-compile against Scala 2.11. */
val changeListener = new PreferenceChangeListener {
def preferenceChange(pce: PreferenceChangeEvent): Unit = {
if (pce.getKey == path) {
runLater {
val currentValue = thisPref()
if (property.value != currentValue) {
property.value = currentValue
/* Property => Preferences bridge */
property.onChange { (_, _, newV) =>
if (newV != this()) {
this() = newV
/* Return the bridged property */
object ObservablePref {
def apply[A](path: String)(implicit handler: PrefHandler[A], prefs: Preferences) = {
new ObservablePref(path)(new Pref.AccessHandler.Optional, prefs)
def apply[A](path: String, default: A)(implicit handler: PrefHandler[A], prefs: Preferences) = {
new ObservablePref(path)(new Pref.AccessHandler.Defaulted(default), prefs)