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package org.gerweck.scalafx.util
import{ ObjectProperty, ReadOnlyObjectProperty }
import scalafx.stage.Stage
import org.log4s._
/** A stage that should only be open at most once per application.
* To use this, you should do something like this:
* {{{
* class AboutWindow extends SingletonStage {
* type InstanceStage = AboutStage
* protected[this] def makeStage() = new Stage with AboutStage
* trait AboutStage extends super.ParentStage { stage =>
* title = "About My Application"
* scene = new Scene {
* ???
* }
* }
* }
* }}}
abstract class SingletonStage {
private[this] val logger = getLogger
/** The specific type of the underlying stage that you'll create. */
type InstanceStage <: ParentStage
private[this] object State {
private[this] val stageProp = ObjectProperty(Option.empty[InstanceStage])
def currentStage = stageProp.value
def currentStage_=(stage: Option[InstanceStage]): Unit = {
stageProp.value = stage
def stage = stageProp.readOnly
/** Get the current stage (or `None` if it doesn't exist). */
def stage: ReadOnlyObjectProperty[Option[InstanceStage]] = State.stage
protected[this] def singletonStageName = getClass.getSimpleName
protected[this] def makeStage(): InstanceStage
/** Create the stage, or give it focus if it already exists.
* This needs to be executed within the UI thread. If you're not already within some kind
* of event handler, you need to use [[scalafx.application.Platform.runLater]].
def showStage(): Unit = {
State.currentStage match {
case Some(stg) =>
logger.debug("Singleton ${name} stage is already open")
case None =>
val ns = makeStage()
State.currentStage = Some(ns)
protected[this] trait ParentStage extends Stage {
require(State.currentStage.isEmpty, s"Cannot have two ${singletonStageName} stages")
logger.trace(s"Creating singleton ${singletonStageName} stage")
/** Override this if you need to provide custom `close` behavior. */
protected[this] def onClose(): Unit = ()
override final def close() = {
State.currentStage = None