This makes it really convenient to take a data structure like a `ObservableBuffer`, which normally has special operations to watch for different CRUD operations on its individual members, and treat the whole thing as a solid value. This lets you turn it into an `ObservableValue` where you get a notice of changes and then you can use the normal operations like `map` and `flatMap` to react to changes. Because this requires reprocessing the entirety of the contained values, this may not perform as well as if you subscribe to more granular update messages. It is possible to round-trip these collections back to the ScalaFX native collections using the other utilities available. This will be required if you want to use the output to back something like a table. |
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Sarah’s ScalaFX Utilities
This project contains helper functions, utilities and convenience functions for working with JavaFX and ScalaFx in Scala.
ScalaFX does a tremendous job at making JavaFX more usable from Scala, but it doesn't go as far as it could in facilitating functional and reactive programming. This project is an attempt to add additional facilities that further bridge the beautiful Scala with JavaFX.
This code is offered as is with now guarantees. You are free to use it if you find it useful, but this is not part of any production project and it may have serious bugs. These APIs may also change at any time, and I make no guarantees that the project will be maintained at all. I welcome any bug reports and I will be happy to merge high-quality pull requests if you find a bug.
To use ScalaFX, add the following to your SBT build:
libraryDependencies += "org.gerweck.scala" %% "scalafx-utils" % "0.4.0"