You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

107 lines
3.6 KiB

import sbt._
import Keys._
import scala.util.Properties.envOrNone
import Helpers._
sealed trait Basics {
final val buildOrganization = "org.gerweck.scalafx"
final val buildOrganizationName = "Sarah Gerweck"
final val buildOrganizationUrl = Some("")
final val buildScalaVersion = "2.11.8"
final val extraScalaVersions = Seq.empty
final val minimumJavaVersion = "1.8"
lazy val defaultOptimize = false
final val projectMainClass = None
lazy val parallelBuild = false
lazy val cachedResolution = true
/* Metadata definitions */
lazy val buildMetadata = Vector(
licenses := Seq("Apache License, Version 2.0" -> url("")),
homepage := Some(url("")),
description := "ScalaFX Utilities",
startYear := Some(2015),
scmInfo := Some(ScmInfo(url(""), ""))
lazy val developerInfo = {
<name>Sarah Gerweck</name>
object BasicSettings extends AutoPlugin with Basics {
override def requires = SiteScaladocPlugin
override lazy val projectSettings = (
buildMetadata ++ := Some(_)) ++
Seq (
organization := buildOrganization,
organizationName := buildOrganizationName,
organizationHomepage := buildOrganizationUrl map { url _ },
scalaVersion := buildScalaVersion,
crossScalaVersions := buildScalaVersions,
scalacOptions ++= buildScalacOptions,
javacOptions ++= buildJavacOptions,
autoAPIMappings := true,
updateOptions := updateOptions.value.withCachedResolution(cachedResolution),
parallelExecution := parallelBuild,
evictionWarningOptions in update :=
/* Overridable flags */
lazy val optimize = boolFlag("OPTIMIZE") orElse boolFlag("OPTIMISE") getOrElse defaultOptimize
lazy val deprecation = boolFlag("NO_DEPRECATION") map (!_) getOrElse true
lazy val inlineWarn = boolFlag("INLINE_WARNINGS") getOrElse false
lazy val debug = boolFlag("DEBUGGER") getOrElse false
lazy val debugPort = envOrNone("DEBUGGER_PORT") map { _.toInt } getOrElse 5050
lazy val debugSuspend = boolFlag("DEBUGGER_SUSPEND") getOrElse true
lazy val unusedWarn = boolFlag("UNUSED_WARNINGS") getOrElse false
lazy val importWarn = boolFlag("IMPORT_WARNINGS") getOrElse false
lazy val buildScalaVersions = buildScalaVersion +: extraScalaVersions
val buildScalacOptions = Seq (
"-target:jvm-" + minimumJavaVersion
) ++ (
if (deprecation) Seq("-deprecation") else Seq.empty
) ++ (
if (optimize) Seq("-optimize") else Seq.empty
) ++ (
if (inlineWarn) Seq("-Yinline-warnings") else Seq.empty
) ++ (
if (unusedWarn) Seq("-Ywarn-unused") else Seq.empty
) ++ (
if (importWarn) Seq("-Ywarn-unused-import") else Seq.empty
/* Java build setup */
val buildJavacOptions = Seq(
"-target", minimumJavaVersion,
"-source", minimumJavaVersion
) ++ (
if (deprecation) Seq("-Xlint:deprecation") else Seq.empty