Base version of observe method on tuples.

This commit also includes an `observe2`, which operates directly on a
tuple without explicitly converting to an HList. I'm committing it for
posterity, but the next commit will remove it because it doesn't give a
narrow enough output type.
This commit is contained in:
Sarah Gerweck 2015-05-04 11:44:46 -07:00
parent 852fd5138e
commit fa7419d101

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@ -54,6 +54,63 @@ trait ObservableImplicits {
implicit def enrichObservable[A, B](o: ObservableValue[A, B]) = new RichObservable(o)
implicit def enrichProperty[A, B](o: Property[A, B]) = new RichProperty(o)
implicit def enrichTuple[A <: Product](a: A) = new RichTuple(a)
class RichTuple[A <: Product](val self: A) extends AnyVal {
import shapeless._
import shapeless.syntax._
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
/* It's possible to do this operation without conversion directly using
* Shapeless's `tuple` package, but it can't infer the exact output type,
* which is far less useful.
def observe
[L <: HList, Unwrapped <: HList, Tupled <: Product]
(implicit tohl: Generic.Aux[A, L],
lister: ToTraversable.Aux[L, List, Observable[_]],
uw: Mapper.Aux[ObservableUnwrapper.type, L, Unwrapped],
tplr: Tupler.Aux[Unwrapped, Tupled]): ObservableValue[Tupled, Tupled] = {
val asHList: L =
def calculate(): Tupled = uw(asHList).tupled
val original = calculate()
val prop = ObjectProperty[Tupled](original)
for {
component <-[List]
} {
component onChange {
prop.value = calculate()
import shapeless.ops.tuple.{ ToTraversable, Mapper }
import shapeless.syntax.std.tuple._
def observe2[Unwrapped <: Product]
(implicit lister: ToTraversable.Aux[A, List, Observable[_]],
uw: Mapper.Aux[A, ObservableUnwrapper.type, Unwrapped]):
ObservableValue[Unwrapped, Unwrapped] = {
def calculate(): Unwrapped =
val original = calculate()
val prop = ObjectProperty[Unwrapped](original)
for {
component <-[List]
} {
component onChange {
prop.value = calculate()
// def omap[B]
class RichObservable[A, C](val self: ObservableValue[A, C]) extends AnyVal {