Much progress on observables.

Still some work to do on making the syntax work how we want.
This commit is contained in:
Sarah Gerweck 2015-04-16 23:51:58 -07:00
parent c689dd3d3e
commit dc8949d54c
4 changed files with 185 additions and 102 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
package org.gerweck.scalafx.util
import language.existentials
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
@ -14,31 +16,90 @@ import shapeless._
import shapeless.syntax._
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
import scalafx.beans.value.ObservableValue
import ObservableTupler._
* @author Sarah Gerweck <>
class ObservableTupler[HLObs <: HList, HLParams <: HList, TParams <: Product] private[util]
class ObservableTupler
[HLObs <: HList, HLParams <: HList, TParams <: Product] private
(hlist: HLObs)
(implicit ops: HListOps[HLObs],
unwrapper: Mapper.Aux[unwrapObservable.type, HLObs, HLParams],
tupler: Generic.Aux[HLParams, TParams]) {
def |@|[O, P, Appended <: HList, Unwrapped, Tupled]
(implicit unwrapper: Mapper.Aux[ObservableUnwrapper.type, HLObs, HLParams],
tupler: Tupler.Aux[HLParams, TParams],
lister: ToList[HLObs, Observable[_]]) {
def ap[O, P, Appended <: HList]
(f: ObservableValue[O, P])
(implicit prepend: Prepend.Aux[HLObs, ObservableValue[O, P]::HNil, Appended]) = {
hlist :+ f
def uw[O, P, Appended <: HList, Unwrapped <: HList]
(f: ObservableValue[O, P])
(implicit prepend: Prepend.Aux[HLObs, ObservableValue[O, P]::HNil, Appended],
uw: Mapper.Aux[ObservableUnwrapper.type, Appended, Unwrapped]): Unwrapped = {
uw(hlist :+ f)
def tp[O, P, Appended <: HList, Unwrapped <: HList, Tupled <: Product]
(f: ObservableValue[O, P])
(implicit prepend: Prepend.Aux[HLObs, ObservableValue[O, P]::HNil, Appended],
uw: Mapper.Aux[unwrapObservable.type, Appended, Unwrapped],
tplr: Generic.Aux[Unwrapped, Tupled],
ops: HListOps[Appended]) = {
uw: Mapper.Aux[ObservableUnwrapper.type, Appended, Unwrapped],
tplr: Tupler.Aux[Unwrapped, Tupled]): Tupled = {
uw(hlist :+ f).tupled
def tl[O, P, Appended <: HList, Unwrapped <: HList, Tupled <: Product, ApList]
(f: ObservableValue[O, P])
(implicit prepend: Prepend.Aux[HLObs, ObservableValue[O, P]::HNil, Appended],
uw: Mapper.Aux[ObservableUnwrapper.type, Appended, Unwrapped],
tplr: Tupler.Aux[Unwrapped, Tupled],
lst: ToList[Appended, Observable[_]]): Tupled = {
val hl = hlist :+ f
def |@|[O, P, Appended <: HList, Unwrapped <: HList, Tupled <: Product, ApList]
(f: ObservableValue[O, P])
(implicit prepend: Prepend.Aux[HLObs, ObservableValue[O, P]::HNil, Appended],
uw: Mapper.Aux[ObservableUnwrapper.type, Appended, Unwrapped],
tplr: Tupler.Aux[Unwrapped, Tupled],
lst: ToList[Appended, Observable[_]]): ObservableTupler[Appended, Unwrapped, Tupled] = {
val newHL: Appended = hlist :+ f
new ObservableTupler[Appended, Unwrapped, Tupled](newHL)
def tupled: ObservableValue[TParams, TParams] = {
def calculate() = unwrapper(hlist).tupled
val original = calculate()
val prop = ObjectProperty[TParams](original)
for {
component <- hlist.toList
} {
component onChange {
prop.value = calculate()
def apply[C](f: TParams => C): Observable[C] = tupled map f
object ObservableUnwrapper extends Poly1 {
implicit def apply[T, U, A <% ObservableValue[T, U]]: Case.Aux[A, T] = at[A]{ o => o.value }
object ObservableTupler {
object unwrapObservable extends Poly1 {
implicit def apply[T, U, A <% ObservableValue[T, U]]: Case.Aux[A, T] = at[A]{ o => o.value }
def apply[A, A1, B, B1](a: ObservableValue[A, A1], b: ObservableValue[B, B1]) = {
new ObservableTupler(a::b::HNil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
package org.gerweck.scalafx.util
import language.implicitConversions
import scalaz._
import scalafx.beans.value._
trait ObservableImplicits {
implicit val observableApplicative = new Applicative[Observable] with Functor[Observable] {
/* Map can be derived from `ap`, but this adds less overhead. */
override def map[A, B](a: Observable[A])(f: A => B): ObservableValue[B, B] = {
@inline def recalculate(): B = f(a.value)
val originalValue = recalculate()
val prop = ObjectProperty[B](originalValue)
def changeHandler = {
prop.value = recalculate()
a onChange changeHandler
def point[A](a: => A): ObservableValue[A, A] = {
def ap[A, B](fa: => Observable[A])(f: => Observable[A => B]): ObservableValue[B, B] = {
@inline def recalculate(): B = (f.value)(fa.value)
val originalValue = recalculate()
val prop = ObjectProperty[B](originalValue)
var prevValue = originalValue
def changeHandler = {
val newVal = recalculate()
if (prevValue != newVal) {
prop.value = newVal
fa onChange changeHandler
f onChange changeHandler
implicit def enrichObservable[A, B](o: ObservableValue[A, B]) = new RichObservable(o)
implicit def enrichProperty[A, B](o: Property[A, B]) = new RichProperty(o)
class RichObservable[A, C](val self: ObservableValue[A, C]) extends AnyVal {
private type ObjObs[X] = ObservableValue[X, X]
@inline private def oapp = observableApplicative
def map[B](f: A => B) =
def <*>[B](f: Observable[A => B]): Observable[B] = oapp.ap(self)(f)
def tuple[B](f: Observable[B]): Observable[(A,B)] = oapp.tuple2(self, f)
final def *>[B](fb: ObjObs[B]): Observable[B] = oapp.apply2(self,fb)((_,b) => b)
final def <*[B](fb: ObjObs[B]): Observable[A] = oapp.apply2(self,fb)((a,_) => a)
final def |@|[B, B1](fb: ObservableValue[B, B1]) = ObservableTupler(self, fb)
/** Alias for `|@|` */
final def [B, B1](fb: ObservableValue[B, B1]) = |@|(fb)
class RichProperty[A, B](val inner: Property[A, B]) extends AnyVal {
def biMap[B <: AnyRef](push: A => B, pull: B => A): ObjectProperty[B] = {
val original = push(inner.value)
val op = ObjectProperty[B](original)
inner onChange {
val oldVal = op.value
val newVal = push(inner.value)
if (oldVal != newVal) {
op.value = push(inner.value)
op onChange {
val oldVal = inner.value
val newVal = pull(op.value)
if (oldVal != newVal) {
inner.value = newVal

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package org.gerweck.scalafx
import language.implicitConversions
import language.existentials
import scalafx.beans.value._
@ -17,102 +18,18 @@ import Scalaz._
* @author Sarah Gerweck <>
package object util {
package object util extends ObservableImplicits {
type Observable[A] = ObservableValue[A, _]
type SimpleProperty[A] = Property[A, _]
implicit val observableFunctor = new Functor[Observable] {
def map[A, B](a: Observable[A])(f: A => B): Observable[B] = {
@inline def recalculate(): B = f(a.value)
val originalValue = recalculate()
val prop = ObjectProperty[B](originalValue)
def changeHandler = {
prop.value = recalculate()
a onChange changeHandler
implicit val observableApplicative = new Applicative[Observable] {
def point[A](a: => A): Observable[A] = {
def ap[A, B](fa: => Observable[A])(f: => Observable[A => B]): Observable[B] = {
def recalculate: B = (f.value)(fa.value)
val originalValue = recalculate
val prop = ObjectProperty[B](originalValue)
var prevValue = originalValue
def changeHandler = {
val newVal = recalculate
if (prevValue != newVal) {
prop.value = recalculate
fa onChange changeHandler
f onChange changeHandler
implicit class RichObservable[A](val self: Observable[A]) {
private type F[X] = Observable[X]
@inline private def F = observableApplicative
def map[A1 >: A, B](f: A1 => B) =
def <*>[B](f: Observable[A => B]): Observable[B] = F.ap(self)(f)
def tuple[B](f: Observable[B]): Observable[(A,B)] = F.tuple2(self, f)
final def *>[B](fb: F[B]): F[B] = F.apply2(self,fb)((_,b) => b)
final def <*[B](fb: F[B]): F[A] = F.apply2(self,fb)((a,_) => a)
import shapeless._
import shapeless.syntax._
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
import HList._
final def |@|[B](fb: F[B]) = new ObservableTupler(self::fb::HNil)
/** Alias for `|@|` */
final def [B](fb: F[B]) = |@|(fb)
object unwrapObservable extends Poly1 {
implicit def apply[T, A <% Observable[T]]: Case.Aux[A, T] = at[A]{ o => o.value }
trait TupleBuilder[]
implicit class RichProperty[A](val inner: SimpleProperty[A]) extends AnyVal {
def biMap[B <: AnyRef](push: A => B, pull: B => A): ObjectProperty[B] = {
val original = push(inner.value)
val op = ObjectProperty[B](original)
inner onChange {
val oldVal = op.value
val newVal = push(inner.value)
if (oldVal != newVal) {
op.value = push(inner.value)
op onChange {
val oldVal = inner.value
val newVal = pull(op.value)
if (oldVal != newVal) {
inner.value = newVal
object TextDisplay {
import scalafx.scene.text.Text
def apply(text: ObservableValue[String,String]) = {
val t = new scalafx.scene.text.Text
t.text <== text

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package org.gerweck.scalafx.util
import scalafx.geometry.Orientation._
import scalafx.scene.control._
object Separators {
def vertical() = new Separator { orientation = VERTICAL }
def horizontal() = new Separator { orientation = HORIZONTAL }