Simplify DialogButtons behavior

The custom region doesn't quite work yet, so just expose the underling
bar so we can still get the shared behavior. Maybe the region will get
fixed later on.
This commit is contained in:
Sarah Gerweck 2016-06-04 00:50:23 -07:00
parent 768fba21b0
commit dc763de5f4

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.event.ActionEvent
import scalafx.event.ActionEvent
import scalafx.geometry.Insets
import scalafx.scene.Node
import scalafx.scene.control._
import scalafx.scene.layout._
import scalafx.stage.Stage
@ -71,17 +72,25 @@ class DialogButtons(stage: Stage, showOk: Boolean = true, showApply: Boolean = t
protected[this] def mainLayout = new VBox(Separators.horizontal, bar) {
protected[control] def mainLayout = new VBox(Separators.horizontal, bar) {
hgrow = Priority.Always
private object DialogButtons {
class DialogButtonsJFXRegion extends JRegion {
object DialogButtons {
private class DialogButtonsJFXRegion extends JRegion {
protected[control] def addChild(n: JNode) = {
def withCallback(stage: Stage, showOk: Boolean = true, showApply: Boolean = true, showCancel: Boolean = true)(applyChanges: () => Unit): Node = {
val ac = applyChanges
val db = new DialogButtons(stage, showOk, showApply, showCancel) {
override def applyChanges() = ac()