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package org.gerweck.scalafx.util
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.util._
import org.log4s._
import scalafx.application.Platform.runLater
/** An [[scalafx.beans.value.ObservableValue]] that pulls its value from a future.
* @author Sarah Gerweck <>
object FutureObservable {
private[this] val logger = getLogger
/** Construct an observable that gives the result of [[scala.concurrent.Future.value]] at all
* times.
* Like the underlying method, it gives `None` until the `Future` completes, after which it
* gives a `Some` of the `Try` that describes the calculation.
def ofTryOption[A](future: Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): ReadOnlyObjectProperty[Option[Try[A]]] = {
val startValue = future.value
val prop = ObjectProperty(startValue)
if (startValue.isEmpty) {
future onComplete { result =>
runLater {
prop.value = Some(result)
/* NOTE: All the other methods below ''could'' be derived from this one, but
* it's better to use as few JavaFX callbacks as possible since they have to
* be executed in the main UI thread.
/** Construct an observable that gives the value of the future on success.
* Until the future completes successfully, the value will be that of
* `defaultValue`. If there is an error, the value will persist as
* `defaultValue`.
* If you want to change state in case of an error, I recommend you use
* [[scala.concurrent.Future.recover]] to choose the values that will be
* used in that case. The `defaultValue` is provided because `Future` has
* no equivalent mechanism for this mandatory functionality, but recovery
* is already a built-in feature.
2016-07-30 03:48:09 +00:00
def withDefault[A](defaultValue: A)(future: Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): ReadOnlyObjectProperty[A] = {
future.value match {
case Some(Success(a)) =>
case Some(Failure(f)) =>
case None =>
val prop = ObjectProperty[A](defaultValue)
future onComplete {
case Success(a) =>
runLater {
prop.value = a
case Failure(f) =>
2016-07-30 03:48:09 +00:00
@deprecated("Use withDefault. `Apply` will be either removed or repurposed in a future release.", "0.10.2")
def apply[A](defaultValue: A)(future: Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) = withDefault(defaultValue)(future)
/** Construct an observable that gives `None` until the `Future` completes successfully, after
* which the `Option` contains the successful result.
* This method does not allow you to differentiate between a failure and a calculation
* that is still running. If you need to differentiate these, you can either use
* [[scala.concurrent.Future.recover]] or use [[ofTryOption]] instead.
def ofSuccessOption[A](future: Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): ReadOnlyObjectProperty[Option[A]] = {
future.value match {
case Some(Success(a)) =>
case Some(Failure(f)) =>
case None =>
val prop = ObjectProperty[Option[A]](None)
future onComplete {
case Success(a) =>
runLater {
prop.value = Some(a)
case Failure(f) =>
private[this] def logFailure(f: Throwable): Unit = {
logger.debug(s"Got failure from FutureObservable's result: $f")