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package outwatchapp
import com.softwaremill.macwire._
import org.scalajs.dom.raw.Element
import outwatch._
import outwatch.dsl._
import outwatch.router._
import outwatchapp.components.CounterDemo
import outwatchapp.components.RequestDemo
import outwatchapp.components.todo.ChartjsDemo
import outwatchapp.pages.HomePage
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.components.todo.TodoListStore
class MainApp(el: Element)(implicit
backend: AppTypes.Backend,
store: RouterStore[Page]
) {
def run: Task[Unit] = for {
resolver <- resolver
_ <- OutWatch.renderInto[Task](el, Router(resolver))
} yield ()
def resolver: Task[PartialFunction[Page, VDomModifier]] =
Task.deferAction(implicit s =>
for {
counterDemo <- CounterDemo()
chartDemo <- ChartjsDemo()
todoStore <- TodoListStore()
requestDemo <- RequestDemo(todoStore)
resolver: PartialFunction[Page, VDomModifier] = {
case Page.Home => wire[HomePage].render
case Page.SomePage =>
div(cls := "title", "SomePage"),
// RequestDemo(todoStore),
div(cls := "slider")
case Page.UserHome(id) =>
div(div(cls := "title", "UserHome"), s"User id: $id")
case Page.NotFound =>
div(cls := "title", "NotFound"),
p(cls := "profile-description", "notfound")
} yield resolver