You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package outwatch.router
import cats.effect.IO
import monix.execution.Scheduler
import org.scalajs.dom.window
import outwatch.dom._
import monix.reactive.Observable
import outwatch.util.Store
sealed trait Action
final case class Replace(path: Path) extends Action
final case class RouterState[P](page: P)
class AppRouter[P](root: Path, f: Path => P) {
def routerReducer(state: RouterState[P], action: Action): RouterState[P] = action match {
case Replace(path) =>
window.history.replaceState("", "", Path(root, path).toString)
state.copy(page = f(path))
case _ => state
def store(implicit S : Scheduler): IO[RouterStore[P]] = {
val startingPath = Path(window.location.pathname)
Store.create[Action, RouterState[P]](
Store.Reducer.justState(routerReducer _)
object AppRouter{
def render[P](resolver: RouterResolve[P])(implicit store: RouterStore[P]): Observable[VDomModifier] ={ case (_, RouterState(p)) => resolver(p) }
def create[P](notFound: P)(f: PartialFunction[Path, P]): AppRouter[P] =
create[P](Root, notFound)(f)
def create[P](parent: Path, notFound: P)(f: PartialFunction[Path, P]): AppRouter[P] =
new AppRouter[P](parent, f.lift.andThen(_.getOrElse(notFound)))