97 lines
3.6 KiB
97 lines
3.6 KiB
import dependencies._
cancelable in Global := true
val commonSettings = Seq(
organization := "com.clovellytech",
version := Version.version,
scalaVersion := Version.scalaVersion,
resolvers ++= addResolvers,
scalacOptions ++= options.scalac,
scalacOptions in (Compile, console) := options.scalacConsole,
updateOptions := updateOptions.value.withLatestSnapshots(false)
) ++ compilerPlugins
val withTests : String = "compile->compile;test->test"
val testOnly : String = "test->test"
lazy val docs = project
name := "outwatch-router-docs",
description := "A router for outwatch",
organizationName := "com.clovellytech",
organizationHomepage := Some(url("https://github.com/clovellytech")),
homepage := Some(url("https://clovellytech.github.io/outwatch-router")),
micrositeUrl := "https://clovellytech.github.io/outwatch-router",
micrositeBaseUrl := "/outwatch-router",
micrositeName := "Outwatch Router",
micrositeCompilingDocsTool := WithMdoc,
micrositeGithubOwner := "clovellytech",
micrositeGithubRepo := "outwatch-router",
scalacOptions := options.scalacConsole
mdocVariables := Map(
"VERSION" -> version.value
lazy val copyFastOptJS = TaskKey[Unit]("copyFastOptJS", "Copy javascript files to target directory")
lazy val router = project
.settings(name := "outwatch-router")
scalaJSModuleKind := ModuleKind.CommonJSModule,
scalacOptions += "-P:scalajs:sjsDefinedByDefault",
useYarn := true, // makes scalajs-bundler use yarn instead of npm
jsEnv in Test := new org.scalajs.jsenv.jsdomnodejs.JSDOMNodeJSEnv,
scalaJSModuleKind := ModuleKind.CommonJSModule, // configure Scala.js to emit a JavaScript module instead of a top-level script
version in webpack := "4.16.1",
version in startWebpackDevServer := "3.1.4",
webpackDevServerExtraArgs := Seq("--progress", "--color"),
webpackConfigFile in fastOptJS := Some(baseDirectory.value / "webpack.config.dev.js"),
// https://scalacenter.github.io/scalajs-bundler/cookbook.html#performance
webpackBundlingMode in fastOptJS := BundlingMode.LibraryOnly(),
resolvers += "jitpack" at "https://jitpack.io",
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"io.github.outwatch" % "outwatch" % "ea240c6d04",
"org.scalatest" %%% "scalatest" % "3.0.5" % Test
copyFastOptJS := {
val inDir = (crossTarget in (Compile, fastOptJS)).value
val outDir = (crossTarget in (Compile, fastOptJS)).value / "dev"
val files = Seq("outwatch-router-fastopt-loader.js", "outwatch-router-frontend-fastopt.js", "outwatch-router-frontend-fastopt.js.map") map { p => (inDir / p, outDir / p) }
IO.copy(files, overwrite = true, preserveLastModified = true, preserveExecutable = true)
// hot reloading configuration:
// https://github.com/scalacenter/scalajs-bundler/issues/180
addCommandAlias("dev", "; compile; fastOptJS::startWebpackDevServer; devwatch; fastOptJS::stopWebpackDevServer"),
addCommandAlias("devwatch", "~; fastOptJS; copyFastOptJS")
lazy val exampleApp = (project in file("router-example"))
.settings(name := "outwatch-example")
lazy val root = project
.settings(name := "outwatch-router-root")
skip in publish := true,