package outwatch.router import cats.effect.Sync import colibri.Observable import org.scalajs.dom.window import outwatch._ import outwatch.dsl._ import outwatch.util.Reducer import outwatch.util.Store sealed trait Action final case class Replace(path: Path) extends Action final case class HistoryEvent(path: Path) extends Action final case class RouterState[P](page: P) /** An AppRouter handles parsing of URLs and mapping to pages of the given type. * @param siteRoot - The prefix part of a pathname, or the subpath at which your site is applied. * Usually this is just Root, but your site might need a prefix as in /my_site/[parsed pathname] * @param parent - The parent path at which this router is mounted. You can have routers contained in subroots of your site. * @param f - a mapping function from a Path to a page P. * @tparam F - the effect type * @tparam P - Your page type, such as a sealed trait root type. */ class AppRouter[F[_]: Sync, P](siteRoot: Path, parent: Path, f: Path => P) { // Sync from the required page to the window.location def routerReducer(state: RouterState[P], action: Action): RouterState[P] = action match { case Replace(path) => window.history.pushState("", "", Path(siteRoot, Path(parent, path)).toUrlString) state.copy(page = f(path)) case HistoryEvent(path) => state.copy(page = f(path)) case _ => state } def store: F[RouterStore[P]] = { val startingPath = Path(window.location.pathname) Store.create[F, Action, RouterState[P]]( Replace(startingPath), RouterState(f(startingPath)), Reducer(routerReducer _), ) } def link(linkHref: String)(attrs: VDomModifier*)(implicit store: RouterStore[P]): BasicVNode = a(href := linkHref)( onClick.preventDefault.useLazy(Replace(Path(linkHref))) --> store.sink, attrs, ) def render(resolver: RouterResolve[P])(implicit store: RouterStore[P]): Observable[VDomModifier] = { case (_, RouterState(p)) => resolver(p) } def watch()(implicit store: RouterStore[P]) = emitter( .useLazy(HistoryEvent(Path(org.scalajs.dom.window.location.pathname))) --> store.sink } object AppRouter { def render[P](resolver: RouterResolve[P])(implicit store: RouterStore[P], ): Observable[VDomModifier] = { case (_, RouterState(p)) => resolver(p) } def watch[P]()(implicit store: RouterStore[P]) = emitter(, ).useLazy(HistoryEvent(Path(org.scalajs.dom.window.location.pathname))) --> store.sink def create[F[_]: Sync, P](notFound: P)(f: PartialFunction[Path, P]): AppRouter[F, P] = create[F, P](Root, notFound)(f) def create[F[_]: Sync, P](parent: Path, notFound: P)( f: PartialFunction[Path, P], ): AppRouter[F, P] = new AppRouter[F, P](Root, parent, f.lift.andThen(_.getOrElse(notFound))) def createParseSiteRoot[F[_]: Sync, P](notFound: P)( f: PartialFunction[Path, P], ): AppRouter[F, P] = createParseSiteRoot[F, P](Root, notFound)(f) /** Automatically determine what siteroot we're using, based on the current URL and expected parent. * For example, your site could be deployed at /example/directory/, your router root path could be /names, * and the current url could be /example/directory/names/alice. So given the call: * createParseSubRoot[Page](Path("/names"), NotFound)(f), the router will work out that the window location * prefix must be /example/directory/names, and will handle actions such as Replace(Path("/names/bob")) * @param parent the parent for this router, another path perhaps managed by another router * @param notFound - the default case page assignment * @param f - a router function from Path to instances of your page type * @tparam P - your page type */ def createParseSiteRoot[F[_]: Sync, P](parent: Path, notFound: P)( f: PartialFunction[Path, P], ): AppRouter[F, P] = { val initUrl = window.location.pathname // url is of form /sra/srb/src/pa/pb/pc... // so just drop the parent part from the right of the url if it exists. val siteRoot = initUrl.lastIndexOf(parent.toString) match { case x if x < 1 => Root case x => Path(initUrl.substring(0, x)) } val routerFun: Path => P = f.lift.andThen(_.getOrElse(notFound)) new AppRouter[F, P](siteRoot, parent, routerFun) } }