Testing out JmonkeyEngine to make a game in Scala with Akka Actors within a pure FP layer
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package wow.doge.mygame.implicits
import cats.Functor
import cats.Show
import cats.data.Kleisli
import cats.effect.Resource
import cats.syntax.show._
import monix.bio.IO
import monix.bio.Task
import monix.bio.UIO
trait CatsExtensions {
implicit class KleisliCompanionExt(k: Kleisli.type) {
def io[S, E, A](f: S => IO[E, A]): Kleisli[UIO, S, Either[E, A]] =
k.apply(s => f(s).attempt)
implicit class KleisliExt[S, E, A](k: Kleisli[UIO, S, Either[E, A]]) {
def runIO(s: S) = k.run(s).rethrow
implicit class ResourceCompanionExt(r: Resource.type) {
// def ioMake[UIO, R](acquire: )(release: ) = r.make()()
def ioMake[E: Show, A](
acquire: IO[E, A]
release: A => UIO[Unit]
)(implicit F: Functor[UIO]): Resource[UIO, Either[E, A]] =
r.make(acquire.attempt)(a =>
.onErrorHandleWith(err => IO.terminate(new Exception(err.show)))
val acq = IO(1).onErrorHandleWith(_ => IO.raiseError(""))
val res =
ioMake(acq)(_ => IO.unit)
val result = res
.use {
case Left(value) => Task(Left(value))
case Right(value) => Task(Right(value))
// IO.unit.bracket()
implicit class ResourceExt[E, A](k: Resource[UIO, Either[E, A]]) {
// def runIO(s: S) = k.run(s).rethrow
// k.use
// : IO[E, B]
// def useIO[B](f: Either[E, A] => IO[E, B]) =
// k.use(f).rethrow
// type test[A] = Tuple2[*, Double]
type IoResource[X, D] = Resource[IO[X, *], D]
val x: Resource[IO[String, *], String] =
Resource.make(IO.raiseError(""))(_ => IO.unit)
// x.use(s => Task.unit)
val x2: IoResource[String, String] =
Resource.make(UIO(""))(_ => IO.unit)