Testing out JmonkeyEngine to make a game in Scala with Akka Actors within a pure FP layer
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package wow.doge.mygame.game
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Future
import com.jme3.app.SimpleApplication
import com.jme3.app.state.AppState
import com.jme3.bullet.BulletAppState
import monix.bio.Task
import monix.execution.CancelableFuture
import monix.execution.CancelablePromise
import monix.execution.Scheduler
import monix.execution.atomic.Atomic
import wow.doge.mygame.executors.GUIExecutorService
import wow.doge.mygame.executors.Schedulers
// import wow.doge.mygame.implicits._
class SimpleAppExt(
schedulers: Schedulers,
val bulletAppState: BulletAppState,
appStates: AppState*
) extends SimpleApplication(appStates: _*) {
import SimpleAppExt._
* A non blocking synchronized queue using an immutable scala queue and monix's atomic class
private val taskQueue2 = Atomic(Queue.empty[MyTask[_]])
private val startSignal: CancelablePromise[Unit] = CancelablePromise()
var cancelToken: Option[() => Future[Unit]] = None
def started: CancelableFuture[Unit] = startSignal.future
override def simpleInitApp(): Unit = {
override def simpleUpdate(tpf: Float): Unit = {}
override def stop(waitFor: Boolean): Unit = {
cancelToken match {
case Some(value) =>
value().foreach { _ =>
pprint.log("Called cancel in simpleapp")
case None =>
pprint.log("Called cancel in simpleapp")
def enqueueFuture[T](cb: () => T): CancelableFuture[T] = {
val p = CancelablePromise[T]()
taskQueue2.transform(_ :+ MyTask(p, cb))
def enqueueL[T](cb: () => T): Task[T] =
override protected def runQueuedTasks(): Unit = {
taskQueue2.transform { current =>
current.dequeueOption.fold(current) {
case (MyTask(p, cb), updated) =>
object JMEExecutorService extends GUIExecutorService {
override def execute(command: Runnable): Unit =
val scheduler = Scheduler(JMEExecutorService)
object SimpleAppExt {
private[game] case class MyTask[T](p: CancelablePromise[T], cb: () => T)
// val ship = ed.createEntity()
// val mbState = stateManager().state[EntityDataState]().map(_.getEntityData())
// val mbState = Try(
// stateManager()
// .state[TestAppState]()
// .entity
// ).toOption.flatten.toRight(println("empty"))
// // .flatMap(_.entity)
// val x = mbState.flatMap(
// _.query
// .filter[TestComponent]("name", new Object())
// // .filterOr[TestEntity](
// // Filters
// // .fieldEquals(classOf[TestEntity], "", null)
// // )
// .component[Tag]()
// .component[TestComponent]()
// .result
// .toRight(println("failed"))
// )
// rootNode
// .child(geom)
// .child(geom)
// .child(geom)
// .child(geom)
// .child(geom)
// .child(geom)
// .child(geom)
// .child(geom)
// Future(println("hello"))(jmeEC(this))
// val wbActor: Future[ActorRef[Greeter.Greet]] = actorSystem.ask(
// SpawnProtocol.Spawn(
// behavior = Greeter(),
// name = "listener",
// DispatcherSelector.fromConfig("jme-dispatcher"),
// _
// )
// )
// wbActor.map(a => a.ask(Greeter.Greet("hello", _)).map(println))
// Task(Promise[T]()).flatMap { p =>
// Task(taskQueue2.transform(_ :+ MyTask(p, cb))) >>
// Task.fromCancelablePromise(p)
// }
// Task.fromCancelablePromise {
// val p = Promise[T]()
// taskQueue2.transform(_ :+ MyTask(p, cb))
// p
// }