Testing out JmonkeyEngine to make a game in Scala with Akka Actors within a pure FP layer
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package wow.doge.mygame.game.subsystems.movement
import cats.Id
import com.jme3.bullet.control.BetterCharacterControl
import com.jme3.math.FastMath
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f
import monix.eval.Coeval
import wow.doge.mygame.implicits._
import wow.doge.mygame.math.ImVector3f
import wow.doge.mygame.subsystems.movement.RotateDir
// experiment to see if it would be useful to use an effect wrapper for a typeclass like this
trait CanMove2[-A, F[_]] {
// def getDirection(cam: Camera, cardinalDir: CardinalDirection): ImVector3f
def move(inst: A, direction: ImVector3f, speedFactor: Float = 20f): F[Unit]
def location(inst: A): F[ImVector3f]
def jump(inst: A): F[Unit]
def stop(inst: A): F[Unit]
def rotate(inst: A, rotateDir: RotateDir): F[Unit]
object Test {
val x = new BetterCharacterControl(4, 10, 5)
def test[T](x: T)(implicit cm: CanMove2[T, Id]) = {
cm.move(x, ImVector3f.ZERO)
object CanMove2 {
implicit val testImpl = new CanMove2[BetterCharacterControl, Id] {
override def move(
inst: BetterCharacterControl,
direction: ImVector3f,
speedFactor: Float
): Id[Unit] = {}
override def location(inst: BetterCharacterControl): Id[ImVector3f] =
override def jump(inst: BetterCharacterControl): Id[Unit] = ???
override def stop(inst: BetterCharacterControl): Id[Unit] = ???
override def rotate(
inst: BetterCharacterControl,
rotateDir: RotateDir
): Id[Unit] = ???
implicit val implCanMoveForBetterCharacterControl =
new CanMove2[BetterCharacterControl, Coeval] {
override def move(
inst: BetterCharacterControl,
direction: ImVector3f,
speedFactor: Float = 20f
): Coeval[Unit] =
Coeval {
val dir = direction.mutable.normalizeLocal()
override def location(inst: BetterCharacterControl) =
override def jump(inst: BetterCharacterControl): Coeval[Unit] =
override def rotate(
inst: BetterCharacterControl,
rotateDir: RotateDir
): Coeval[Unit] =
Coeval {
val q =
rotateDir match {
case RotateDir.Left =>
new Quaternion()
.fromAngleNormalAxis(5 * FastMath.DEG_TO_RAD, Vector3f.UNIT_Y)
case RotateDir.Right =>
new Quaternion()
.fromAngleAxis(-5 * FastMath.DEG_TO_RAD, Vector3f.UNIT_Y)
val tmp = new Vector3f()
override def stop(inst: BetterCharacterControl) =