Testing out JmonkeyEngine to make a game in Scala with Akka Actors within a pure FP layer
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282 B

4 years ago
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4 years ago
  1. *.class
  2. *.log
  3. # sbt specific
  4. .cache/
  5. .history/
  6. .lib/
  7. dist/*
  8. target/
  9. lib_managed/
  10. src_managed/
  11. project/boot/
  12. project/plugins/project/
  13. metals.sbt
  14. .metals
  15. .bloop
  16. .ammonite
  17. .bsp
  18. # Scala-IDE specific
  19. .scala_dependencies
  20. .worksheet
  21. .idea/
  22. .vscode
  23. assets/
  24. *.j3o
  25. .attach_pid*
  26. hs_err_pid*