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myapp = {
database = {
driver = org.postgresql.Driver
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test_db"
user = "test_user"
password = "password"
// The number of threads determines how many things you can *run* in parallel
// the number of connections determines you many things you can *keep in memory* at the same time
// on the database server.
// numThreads = (core_count (hyperthreading included))
numThreads = 20
// queueSize = ((core_count * 2) + effective_spindle_count)
// on a MBP 13, this is 2 cores * 2 (hyperthreading not included) + 1 hard disk
queueSize = 10
// make larger than numThreads + queueSize
maxConnections = 20
connectionTimeout = 5000
validationTimeout = 5000
# connectionPool = disabled
keepAlive = true
migrations-table = "flyway_schema_history"
migrations-locations = [
# "classpath:example/jdbc"