package wow.doge.http4sdemo import com.dimafeng.testcontainers.PostgreSQLContainer import import wow.doge.http4sdemo.dto.BookSearchMode import wow.doge.http4sdemo.dto.NewAuthor import wow.doge.http4sdemo.dto.NewBook import wow.doge.http4sdemo.implicits._ import import import class LibraryServiceSpec extends DatabaseIntegrationTestBase { override def afterContainersStart(containers: Containers): Unit = { super.afterContainersStart(containers) createSchema(containers) } test("insert and retrieve book") { withContainersIO { case container: PostgreSQLContainer => val io = withDb(container.jdbcUrl)(db => for { _ <- UIO.unit service: LibraryService = new LibraryServiceImpl( profile, new LibraryDbio(profile), db ) id <- service.insertAuthor(NewAuthor("author1")) book <- service.insertBook(NewBook("blah", "Segehwe", id)) _ <- service .getBookById(book.bookId) .assertEquals(Some(book)) } yield () ) io } } test("author does not exist error on book insertion") { withContainersIO { case container: PostgreSQLContainer => val io = withDb(container.jdbcUrl)(db => for { _ <- UIO.unit service: LibraryService = new LibraryServiceImpl( profile, new LibraryDbio(profile), db ) _ <- service .insertBook(NewBook("blah2", "agege", 23)) .attempt .assertEquals( Left( LibraryService .EntityDoesNotExist("Author with id=23 does not exist") ) ) } yield () ) io } } test("books with isbn already exists error on book insertion") { withContainersIO { case container: PostgreSQLContainer => val io = withDb(container.jdbcUrl)(db => for { _ <- UIO.unit service: LibraryService = new LibraryServiceImpl( profile, new LibraryDbio(profile), db ) _ <- service.insertBook(NewBook("blah2", "agege", 1)) _ <- service .insertBook(NewBook("blah3", "agege", 1)) .attempt .assertEquals( Left( LibraryService .EntityAlreadyExists("Book with isbn=agege already exists") ) ) } yield () ) io } } test("search books by author id") { withContainersIO { case container: PostgreSQLContainer => val io = withDb(container.jdbcUrl)(db => for { _ <- UIO.unit service: LibraryService = new LibraryServiceImpl( profile, new LibraryDbio(profile), db ) id <- service.insertAuthor(NewAuthor("bar")) book1 <- service.insertBook(NewBook("blah3", "aeaega", id)) book2 <- service.insertBook(NewBook("blah4", "afgegg", id)) _ <- service .searchBook(BookSearchMode.AuthorName, "bar") .toListL .toIO .attempt .assertEquals(Right(List(book1, book2))) } yield () ) io } } }