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3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
  1. myapp = {
  2. database = {
  3. driver = org.postgresql.Driver
  4. dbHost = localhost
  5. dbHost = ${?HTTP4S_DEMO_DB_HOST}
  6. dbPort = 5432
  7. dbPort = ${?HTTP4S_DEMO_DB_PORT}
  8. dbName = test_db
  9. dbName = ${?HTTP4S_DEMO_DB_NAME}
  10. url = "jdbc:postgresql://"${myapp.database.dbHost}":"${myapp.database.dbPort}"/"${myapp.database.dbName}
  11. user = "test_user"
  12. user = ${?HTTP4S_DEMO_DB_USER}
  13. password = "password"
  14. password = ${?HTTP4S_DEMO_DB_PASSWORD}
  15. numThreads = 16
  16. queueSize = 1000
  17. maxConnections = 16
  18. connectionTimeout = 5000
  19. validationTimeout = 5000
  20. # connectionPool = disabled
  21. keepAlive = true
  22. migrations-table = "flyway_schema_history"
  23. migrations-locations = [
  24. "classpath:db/migration/default"
  25. ]
  26. },
  27. testDatabase = {
  28. driver = org.postgresql.Driver
  29. user = "scala"
  30. password = "scala"
  31. numThreads = 16
  32. queueSize = 10
  33. maxConnections = 36
  34. }
  35. }