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#ifndef WiFiSettingsService_h
#define WiFiSettingsService_h
#include <SettingsService.h>
#include <IPAddress.h>
#define WIFI_SETTINGS_FILE "/config/wifiSettings.json"
#define WIFI_SETTINGS_SERVICE_PATH "/rest/wifiSettings"
class WiFiSettingsService : public SettingsService {
WiFiSettingsService(AsyncWebServer* server, FS* fs);
void begin();
void readFromJsonObject(JsonObject& root);
void writeToJsonObject(JsonObject& root);
void onConfigUpdated();
void reconfigureWiFiConnection();
// connection settings
String _ssid;
String _password;
String _hostname;
bool _staticIPConfig;
// optional configuration for static IP address
IPAddress _localIP;
IPAddress _gatewayIP;
IPAddress _subnetMask;
IPAddress _dnsIP1;
IPAddress _dnsIP2;
void readIP(JsonObject& root, String key, IPAddress& _ip);
void writeIP(JsonObject& root, String key, IPAddress& _ip);
#endif // end WiFiSettingsService_h