#include #include #include #include #define SERIAL_BAUD_RATE 115200 AsyncWebServer server(80); ESP8266React esp8266React(&server, &SPIFFS); LightMqttSettingsService lightMqttSettingsService = LightMqttSettingsService(&server, &SPIFFS, esp8266React.getSecurityManager()); LightStateService lightStateService = LightStateService(&server, esp8266React.getSecurityManager(), esp8266React.getMqttClient(), &lightMqttSettingsService); void setup() { // start serial and filesystem Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD_RATE); // start the file system (must be done before starting the framework) #ifdef ESP32 SPIFFS.begin(true); #elif defined(ESP8266) SPIFFS.begin(); #endif // start the framework and demo project esp8266React.begin(); // load the initial light settings lightStateService.begin(); // start the light service lightMqttSettingsService.begin(); // start the server server.begin(); } void loop() { // run the framework's loop function esp8266React.loop(); }