#include WiFiSettingsService::WiFiSettingsService(AsyncWebServer* server, FS* fs) : SettingsService(server, fs, WIFI_SETTINGS_SERVICE_PATH, WIFI_SETTINGS_FILE) { } WiFiSettingsService::~WiFiSettingsService() {} void WiFiSettingsService::begin() { SettingsService::begin(); reconfigureWiFiConnection(); } void WiFiSettingsService::readFromJsonObject(JsonObject& root){ _ssid = root["ssid"] | ""; _password = root["password"] | ""; _hostname = root["hostname"] | ""; _staticIPConfig = root["static_ip_config"] | false; // extended settings readIP(root, "local_ip", _localIP); readIP(root, "gateway_ip", _gatewayIP); readIP(root, "subnet_mask", _subnetMask); readIP(root, "dns_ip_1", _dnsIP1); readIP(root, "dns_ip_2", _dnsIP2); // Swap around the dns servers if 2 is populated but 1 is not if (_dnsIP1 == 0U && _dnsIP2 != 0U){ _dnsIP1 = _dnsIP2; _dnsIP2 = 0U; } // Turning off static ip config if we don't meet the minimum requirements // of ipAddress, gateway and subnet. This may change to static ip only // as sensible defaults can be assumed for gateway and subnet if (_staticIPConfig && (_localIP == 0U || _gatewayIP == 0U || _subnetMask == 0U)){ _staticIPConfig = false; } } void WiFiSettingsService::writeToJsonObject(JsonObject& root){ // connection settings root["ssid"] = _ssid; root["password"] = _password; root["hostname"] = _hostname; root["static_ip_config"] = _staticIPConfig; // extended settings writeIP(root, "local_ip", _localIP); writeIP(root, "gateway_ip", _gatewayIP); writeIP(root, "subnet_mask", _subnetMask); writeIP(root, "dns_ip_1", _dnsIP1); writeIP(root, "dns_ip_2", _dnsIP2); } void WiFiSettingsService::onConfigUpdated() { reconfigureWiFiConnection(); } void WiFiSettingsService::reconfigureWiFiConnection() { Serial.println("Reconfiguring WiFi..."); // disconnect and de-configure wifi and software access point WiFi.disconnect(true); // configure static ip config for station mode (if set) if (_staticIPConfig) { WiFi.config(_localIP, _gatewayIP, _subnetMask, _dnsIP1, _dnsIP2); } // connect to the network WiFi.hostname(_hostname); WiFi.begin(_ssid.c_str(), _password.c_str()); } void WiFiSettingsService::readIP(JsonObject& root, String key, IPAddress& _ip){ if (!root[key] || !_ip.fromString(root[key].as())){ _ip = 0U; } } void WiFiSettingsService::writeIP(JsonObject& root, String key, IPAddress& _ip){ if (_ip != 0U){ root[key] = _ip.toString(); } }