import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Typography, TableRow, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, Table, Box } from '@material-ui/core'; import { SectionContent } from '../components'; class DemoInformation extends Component { render() { return ( This simple demo project allows you to control the blink speed of the built-in LED. It demonstrates how the esp8266-react framework may be extended for your own IoT project. It is recommended that you keep your project interface code under the 'project' directory. This serves to isolate your project code from the from the rest of the user interface which should simplify merges should you wish to update your project with future framework changes. The demo project interface code stored in the interface/project directory: File Description ProjectMenu.tsx You can add your project's screens to the side bar here. ProjectRouting.tsx The routing which controls the screens of your project. DemoProject.tsx This screen, with tabs and tab routing. DemoInformation.tsx The demo information page. DemoController.tsx The demo controller tab, to control the built-in LED.
See the project README for a full description of the demo project.
) } } export default DemoInformation;