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  1. from pathlib import Path
  2. from shutil import copytree
  3. from shutil import rmtree
  4. from subprocess import check_output, Popen, PIPE, STDOUT, CalledProcessError
  5. from os import chdir
  6. Import("env")
  7. def flagExists(flag):
  8. buildFlags = env.ParseFlags(env["BUILD_FLAGS"])
  9. for define in buildFlags.get("CPPDEFINES"):
  10. if (define == flag or (isinstance(define, list) and define[0] == flag)):
  11. return True
  12. def buildWeb():
  13. chdir("interface")
  14. print("Building interface with npm")
  15. try:
  16. env.Execute("npm install")
  17. env.Execute("npm run build")
  18. buildPath = Path("build")
  19. wwwPath = Path("../data/www")
  20. if wwwPath.exists() and wwwPath.is_dir():
  21. rmtree(wwwPath)
  22. if not flagExists("PROGMEM_WWW"):
  23. print("Copying interface to data directory")
  24. copytree(buildPath, wwwPath)
  25. finally:
  26. chdir("..")
  27. if (len(BUILD_TARGETS) == 0 or "upload" in BUILD_TARGETS):
  28. buildWeb()
  29. else:
  30. print("Skipping build interface step for target(s): " + ", ".join(BUILD_TARGETS))