2019-07-25 12:46:57 +05:30

100 lines
5.8 KiB

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>{{- .Title -}}</title>
{{- $desc := "" -}}
{{- with $.Site.Params.description -}}{{- $desc = . -}}{{- end -}}
{{- with .Summary -}}{{- $desc = . -}}{{- end -}}
{{- with $.Params.description -}}{{- $desc = . -}}{{- end -}}
{{- with $desc -}}
<meta name="description" itemprop="description" content="{{ replace $desc "\n" " " }}" id="desc">
{{- end -}}
{{ .Hugo.Generator }}
{{- if .RSSLink -}}<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="{{ .Site.Title }} Feed" href="{{ .RSSLink }}">{{ end }}
{{- if .Params.tags -}}
<meta name="keywords" itemprop="keywords" content="{{ delimit .Params.tags "," }}" id="keywords">
{{- end -}}
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
{{ partial "head.html" . }}
<body itemscope itemtype="">
{{ if $.Site.Menus.main -}}
<div class="off-canvas-wrapper">
<button id="off-canvas-toggle" type="button" class="button hide-for-medium" aria-label="Open Menu" data-toggle="main-nav-off-canvas">
<span class="fas fa-bars"></span>
<div class="off-canvas position-left" id="main-nav-off-canvas" data-off-canvas>
<ul class="vertical menu drilldown" data-drilldown>
{{- partial "nested_menu.html" (dict "menu" .Site.Menus.main "page" . "root" $) . -}}
{{ end -}}
<div id="site-container" class="grid-container full off-canvas-content">
<div class="grid-x full grid-container data-off-canvas-content">
<div id="site-header" class="cell">
<a href="{{ partial "make_link" (dict "URL" "/" "Root" $) }}">
<header class="small-text-{{ if $.Site.Params.thumbnail }}left{{ else }}center{{ end }} medium-text-left grid-x">
{{ with $.Site.Params.thumbnail -}}
{{- $thmb := resources.Get . -}}
{{- if ne $thmb.ResourceType "image" -}}
{{- errorf "Resource %s is not an image" . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* 93px is the max-width/height of the thumbnail in rems times 1rem */ -}}
{{- $width := 93 -}}
{{- if eq "true" (partial "has_suffix" (dict "String" . "Suffixes" (slice "jpg" "jpeg" "png") "CaseSensitive" false)) -}}
{{- if eq "true" (partial "has_suffix" (dict "String" . "Suffixes" (slice "jpg" "jpeg") "CaseSensitive" false)) -}}
{{- $thmb = $thmb.Resize (printf "%dx%d" $thmb.Width $thmb.Height) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $width = (cond (gt 93 $thmb.Width) 93 $thmb.Width) -}}
{{- end -}}
<img id="site-thumbnail" class="cell shrink" src="{{ partial "make_link" (dict "URL" $thmb.RelPermalink "Root" $) }}" data-width="{{ $width }}">
{{ end -}}
<div id="site-title-container" class="cell shrink grid-y">
<div id="site-title" class="cell shrink" itemprop="name">{{ .Site.Title }}</div>
{{ with .Site.Params.tagline }}<div class="cell shrink" id="site-tagline">{{ . }}</div>{{ end }}
{{ if .Site.Menus.main -}}
<nav id="main-nav" class="small-hide">
<ul class="dropdown menu" data-dropdown-menu>
{{- partial "nested_menu.html" (dict "menu" .Site.Menus.main "page" . "root" $) . -}}
{{ end -}}
<div id="main-container" class="cell grid-x grid-padding-x grid-container" role="main" itemprop="mainContentOfPage">
{{ with $.Site.Params.alert }}
<div class="callout cell text-center">
{{ . | markdownify }}
{{ end }}
{{ $sbdisable := or .Site.Params.sidebar.disable .Params.sidebar.disable }}
{{ $sbalign := default "right" (default .Site.Params.sidebar.align .Params.sidebar.align) }}
{{ if and (not $sbdisable) (and (ne $sbalign "left") (ne $sbalign "right")) }}
{{- errorf "\"%v\" is not a valid value for params.sidebar.align. Valid values are \"left\", \"right\", or \"\" (defaults to \"right\")" -}}
{{ end }}
{{ if and (not $sbdisable) (eq $sbalign "left") }}{{ partial "sidebar/sidebar.html" . }}{{ end }}
{{ block "main_content" . }}{{ end }}
{{ if and (not $sbdisable) (eq $sbalign "right") }}{{ partial "sidebar/sidebar.html" . }}{{ end }}
{{ partial "footer.html" . }}
{{ partial "foot.html" . }}
{{ if $.Site.Menus.main }}</div>{{ end }}