######################################################### ## HOW TO EDIT THIS FILE ## ## Comments beginning with two hashes (##) explain the ## configuration option. ## ## Comments with only one (#) are ## commented options that can be uncommented and changed. ## ## If configuration options scare you, most things can be ## left exactly as they are. Be sure to change the ## following, if nothing else: ## - title ## - baseurl ## - tagline ## - description ## ## This file may seem long, but it is mostly comments ## explaining each of the options. Many options will also ## include URLs to more detailed documentation. ######################################################### languageCode = "en-us" title = "Example Site" baseurl = "http://arcusiridis.com" theme = "Midnight" ##themesDir = "../.." ## Allow the use of GitHub-style code fences PygmentsCodeFences = true ## Apply classes to styled elements instead ## Necessary to use the built-in code styles that ## automatically change to fit the theme colors PygmentsUseClasses = true ## Number of posts to show before paginating paginate = 10 ## Enable robots.txt file generation. Highly recommended. enableRobotsTXT = true [params] ## Tagline of your site. Displays in the header, ## just below the title tagline = "Using the Midnight theme" ## Description of your site - for use in SEO description = "A useful description for search engine results" ## 'authorbox' enables/disables the authorbox sitewide (can be disabled per page). ## 'author' is the name of the default author of all pages (can change per page). ## See also: https://bluestnight.com/docs/midnight/users/pages/authorbox/ #authorbox = false #author = "Some Guy" ## Optimize site for HTTP/2. Recommended if your server supports it. http2 = true ## Enable next/previous page buttons sitewide ## See also: https://bluestnight.com/docs/midnight/users/pages/next-prev-page/ post_navigation = true ## Set a site thumbnail/logo that appears next to the site title ## Optionally make the corners of the logo rounded by a given amount ## See also: https://bluestnight.com/docs/midnight/users/site/appearance/#header-thumbnail #thumbnail = "images/thumbnail.png" #thumbnail_radius = "0%" ## Disable the use of minified JavaScript and CSS ## Useful only for debugging purposes #no_minimize = true ## Set a site-wide notice for all visitors to all pages. alert = """ Interested in using Midnight? Check out the [getting started](https://bluestnight.com/guides/midnight/getting-started/) guide and the [user documentation](https://bluestnight.com/docs/midnight/users/) for more information. """ ## Midnight can integrate custom shortcodes into the theme. For more ## about this, see https://bluestnight.com/docs/midnight/developers/ ## Set a custom background image for the site ## See also: https://bluestnight.com/docs/midnight/users/site/appearance/#custom-background [params.background] ## Background image to use on all screen sizes ## except those with a smaller image defined. ## The file path must be relative to the assets/ directory. For example, ## the below file is found at assets/images/background.jpg src = "/images/background.jpg" ## Background image to use on all medium (< 1024px) and smaller screens #medium_src = "/images/background_medium.jpg" ## Background image to use on all small (< 640px) and smaller screens #small_src = "/images/background_small.jpg" ## Set to "contain" to expand image so it is as large as possible while ## still fully visible - some background color may also be visible ## Set to "cover" to expand image so that it covers all of the background ## area - some parts of the image may get cut off due to the screen dimensions ## Set to anything else (like "auto") to not stretch the image at all fit = "cover" ## Defines whether the background should move with the page or stay fixed ## in place. Set to `true` to keep it fixed in place. fixed = true ## Set to true to tile the image vertically and horizontally across the page ## Has no effect if 'fit' is set to "contain" or "cover" #tile = false ## Change the color scheme of the site ## The commented out values are the defaults used ## See also: https://bluestnight.com/docs/midnight/users/site/appearance/#custom-colors #[params.color] #page_background = "#000000" #main_background = "#050505" #alt_background = "#252525" #main_text = "#e2e2e2" #alt_text = "#e2e2e2" #accent = "#2c8cef" #accent_text = "#e2e2e2" ## Midnight can integrate with various comment providers through the plugin ## system. Included is a plugin for Commento. ## See also: https://gitlab.com/commento/commento-ce ## See also: https://bluestnight.com/docs/midnight/users/pages/comments/ ## See also: https://bluestnight.com/docs/midnight/developers/comments/ #[params.comments] #provider = "commento" #[params.comments.commento] #base_url = "https://comments.example.com" ## Set custom font styles ## Values can be one of the following: "serif", "sans-serif", "slab-serif" ## See also: https://bluestnight.com/docs/midnight/users/site/appearance/#font-customization #[params.fonts] #header_style = "sans-serif" #body_style = "sans-serif" #print_header_style = "sans-serif" #print_body_style = "serif" ## Integrate with Iubenda's generated privacy policies and cookie solutions ## (policies and consent banners). Items under [params.iubenda.pro] require ## a Pro license to use. ## See also: https://bluestnight.com/docs/midnight/users/site/policies/#iubenda-integration #[params.iubenda] #id = "siteid" #enable_cookie_policy = true #[params.iubenda.pro] #enable_pro = true #enable_cookie_banner = true #site_id = "different id" #prior_consent = true ## Use Matomo analytics on the site ## See also: https://bluestnight.com/docs/midnight/users/site/analytics/ #[params.matomo] ## Enable Matomo analytics #enable = true ## The root URL of your hosted Matomo instance ## Can contain subdirectories like https://example.com/matomo/ #host = "https://matomo.example.com" ## Enable to track users who have JavaScript disabled #track_nojs = true ## Add a link to the footer for users to opt out of tracking ## If ajax is disabled below, redirects users to another page ## You can instead manually add the opt-out