{{ if ne .Social nil }} {{- $attrs := "rel=\"me nofollow\"" -}} {{- if .IsMember -}} {{- $attrs = "itemprop=\"sameAs\"" -}} {{- end -}} {{- $scr := .Scratch -}} {{- $style := "square" -}} {{- with (default "" .Social.icon_style) -}} {{- if (or (eq (lower .) "circle") (eq (lower .) "square")) -}} {{- $style = lower . -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- $pronoun := "" -}} {{- $len := 1 -}} {{- if .IsMember -}} {{- $pronoun = .Name -}} {{- else -}} {{- with ($scr.Get "sitevar").Data.members -}} {{- $len = len . -}} {{- end -}} {{- $pronoun = i18n "ownerPronoun" $len -}} {{- end -}} {{ with .Social.bitbucket -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-bitbucket" "User" . "URL" "https://bitbucket.org/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Fork %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "BitBucket") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.deviantart -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-deviantart" "User" . "URL" "https://%USER%.deviantart.com/" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "DeviantArt") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.email -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fas fa-envelope" "User" . "URL" "mailto:%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Send %PRONOUN% an email!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Email") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.etsy -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-etsy" "User" . "URL" "https://www.etsy.com/shop/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Etsy") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.facebook -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-facebook-f" "User" . "URL" "https://facebook.com/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Facebook") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.flickr -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-flickr" "User" . "URL" "https://www.flickr.com/photos/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Flickr") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.github -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-github" "User" . "URL" "https://github.com/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Fork %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "GitHub") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.gitea -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fa fab fa-gitea" "User" . "URL" "https://git.arcusiridis.com/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Fork %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Gitea") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.gitlab -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-gitlab" "User" . "URL" "https://gitlab.com/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Fork %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "GitLab") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.gitter -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-gitter" "User" . "URL" "https://gitter.im/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Chat with %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Gitter") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.googleplus -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-google-plus-g" "User" . "URL" "https://plus.google.com/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Google Plus") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.instagram -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-instagram" "User" . "URL" "https://instagram.com/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Instagram") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.linkedin -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-linkedin-in" "User" . "URL" "https://linkedin.com/in/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "LinkedIn") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.medium -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-medium-m" "User" . "URL" "https://medium.com/@%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Medium") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.patreon -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-patreon" "User" . "URL" "https://patreon.com/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Support %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Patreon") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.pinterest -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-pinterest-p" "User" . "URL" "https://pinterest.com/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Pinterest") -}} {{- end }} {{- with .Social.playstation -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-playstation" "User" . "URL" "https://my.playstation.com/profile/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Play with %PRONOUN% on PlayStation!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "PlayStation (requires login)") -}} {{- end -}} {{ with .Social.quora -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-quora" "User" . "URL" "https://quora.com/profile/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Quora") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.reddit -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-reddit-alien" "User" . "URL" "https://www.reddit.com/user/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Reddit") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.slack_org -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-slack-hash" "User" . "URL" "https://%USER%.slack.com" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Join %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Slack") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.snapchat -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-snapchat-ghost" "User" . "URL" "https://www.snapchat.com/add/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Join %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Snapchat") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.soundcloud -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-soundcloud" "User" . "URL" "https://soundcloud.com/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Listen to %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "SoundCloud") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.spotify -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-spotify" "User" . "URL" "https://open.spotify.com/user/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Spotify") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.steam -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-steam-symbol" "User" . "URL" "https://steamcommunity.com/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Steam") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.telegram -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-telegram-plane" "User" . "URL" "http://t.me/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Telegram") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.tumblr -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-tumblr" "User" . "URL" "https://%USER%.tumblr.com/" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Tumblr") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.twitch -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-twitch" "User" . "URL" "https://www.twitch.tv/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Twitch") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.twitter -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-twitter" "User" . "URL" "https://twitter.com/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Twitter") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.vimeo -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-vimeo-v" "User" . "URL" "https://vimeo.com/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Vimeo") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.xbox -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-xbox" "User" . "URL" "https://account.xbox.com/en-us/Profile?GamerTag=%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Play with %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "Xbox") -}} {{- end }} {{ with .Social.youtube -}} {{- partial "social-icon.html" (dict "Icon" "fab fa-youtube" "User" . "URL" "https://www.youtube.com/user/%USER%" "Attrs" $attrs "Style" $style "ReaderText" "Find %PRONOUN% on %TITLE%!" "Pronoun" $pronoun "Title" "YouTube") -}} {{- end }} {{ end }}