You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package com.example.playscalajsreact.component
import com.example.playscalajsreact.model.MyGlobalState
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.VdomElement
import japgolly.scalajs.react.Callback
import japgolly.scalajs.react._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.html_<^._
import com.example.playscalajsreact.route.AppRouter
import org.scalajs.dom
import scala.scalajs.js
import com.example.playscalajsreact.model.User
import japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.StateSnapshot
import com.softwaremill.quicklens._
import monocle.macros.Lenses
import com.example.playscalajsreact.model._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.MonocleReact._
object Middle {
final case class Props(name: String, ss: StateSnapshot[Data]) {
@inline def render: VdomElement = Comp(this)
implicit def reusability: Reusability[Props] =
final class Backend($ : BackendScope[Props, Unit]) {
// Method 2: StateSnapshot.withReuse.zoomL.prepareViaProps
// Notice that we're using a normal lens here instead of a Reusable[lens]
private val ssStrFn =
def render(p: Props): VdomElement = {
// Method 1: ss.withReuse.zoomStateL
val ssI: StateSnapshot[Int] =
// Method 2: StateSnapshot.withReuse.zoomL.prepareViaProps
val ssS: StateSnapshot[String] =
<.div("IntEditor: ", IntEditor(ssI))
// <.div("TextEditor: ", TextEditor(ssS), ^.marginTop := "0.6em"))
val Comp = ScalaComponent
def apply(_props: Props): VdomElement = { Comp(_props) }