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import scala.concurrent.Future
import com.example.models._
// trait LibraryService {
// def findBookById(id: Long): DBIO[Option[BooksRow]]
// def findBooksWithAuthor: DBIO[Seq[(BooksRow, AuthorsRow)]]
// def insertAuthor(author: Author): DBIO[AuthorsRow]
// def authorToRow(author: Author): AuthorsRow
// def bookToRow(book: Book): BooksRow
// }
trait LibraryService {
// Simple function that returns a book
def findBookById(id: Long): Future[Option[Book]]
// Simple function that returns a list of books with it's author
def findBooksWithAuthor: Future[Seq[(Book, Author)]]
// Insert a book and an author composing two DBIOs in a transaction
def insertBookAndAuthor(book: NewBook, author: NewAuthor): Future[(Long, Long)]