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package nova.monadic_sfx.util
final class BoundedStack private (
val underlying: List[Int],
val maxSize: Int,
val sp: Int
) {
def push(v: Int): Either[String, BoundedStack] =
if (sp < maxSize) Right(new BoundedStack(v :: underlying, maxSize, sp + 1))
else Left("overflow")
def pushAll(v: List[Int]) =
if (sp + v.length < maxSize)
Right(new BoundedStack(v ::: underlying, maxSize, sp + v.length))
else Left("overflow")
def pop =
if (sp == 0) Left("Underflow")
underlying(sp) -> new BoundedStack(
sp - 1
object BoundedStack {
def apply(
// defaultValues: List[Int] = List.empty,
maxSize: Int = 10
// sp: Int = 0
) =
new BoundedStack(List.empty, maxSize, 0)