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package nova.monadic_sfx.implicits
import scalafx.beans.value.ObservableValue
* experimental implicits to be incorporated better later
trait MySfxObservableImplicits {
import nova.monadic_sfx.implicits.ExtraObservableImplicits._
implicit def myRichObservable[A, C](
observable: ObservableValue[A, C]
): MyRichObservable[A, C] = new MyRichObservable(observable)
object ExtraObservableImplicits {
final class MyRichObservable[A, C](val self: ObservableValue[A, C])
extends AnyVal {
def filter(f: A => Boolean): ReadOnlyObjectProperty[A] =
* Simply creates a new observable that mirrors the source observable but
* doesn't emit null values. JavaFX likes to work with null values in scene
* nodes/properties (shrugs) and observables by default emit null values
* that can cause crashes if you forget to null check. ScalaFX does not
* offer any *fixes* for this.
def filterNull: ReadOnlyObjectProperty[A] = Methods.filterNull(self)
object Types {
type Observable[A] = ObservableValue[A, _]
object Methods {
import Types._
def filter[B](
a: Observable[B]
)(f: B => Boolean): ReadOnlyObjectProperty[B] = {
val prop = ObjectProperty[B](a.value)
def changeHandler() =
prop.synchronized {
if (f(a.value)) {
prop.value = a.value
a onChange changeHandler()
* Simply creates a new observable that mirrors the source observable but
* doesn't emit null values. JavaFX likes to work with null values in scene
* nodes/properties (shrugs) and observables by default emit null values
* that can cause crashes if you forget to null check. ScalaFX does not
* offer any *fixes* for this.
* @param a
* @return
def filterNull[B](
a: Observable[B]
): ReadOnlyObjectProperty[B] = {
val prop = ObjectProperty[B](a.value)
def changeHandler() =
prop.synchronized {
if (a.value != null) {
prop.value = a.value
a onChange changeHandler()