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package nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls
import com.jfoenix.{controls => jfoenixc}
import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.scene.control.TextArea
import scalafx.scene.paint.Paint
object JFXTextArea {
implicit def sfxTextArea2jfx(v: JFXTextArea): jfoenixc.JFXTextArea =
if (v != null) v.delegate else null
// extends TextInputControl(delegate)
// with SFXDelegate[jfoenixc.JFXTextArea]
class JFXTextArea(
override val delegate: jfoenixc.JFXTextArea = new jfoenixc.JFXTextArea()
) extends TextArea(delegate) {
* Creates a TextArea with initial text content.
* @param text - A string for text content.
def this(text: String) = this(new jfoenixc.JFXTextArea(text))
def labelFloat = delegate.labelFloatProperty()
def labelFloat_=(v: Boolean) = delegate.setLabelFloat(v)
def focusColor: Paint = delegate.getFocusColor()
def focusColor_=(color: Paint) = delegate.setFocusColor(color)
def unFocusColor = delegate.getUnFocusColor()
def unFocusColor_=(color: Paint) = delegate.setUnFocusColor(color)
def disableAnimation: BooleanProperty = delegate.disableAnimationProperty()
def disableAnimation_=(disable: Boolean) =