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package nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls
import com.jfoenix.{controls => jfoenixc}
import scalafx.scene.control.ProgressIndicator
object JFXSpinner {
implicit def sfxSpinner2jfx(
v: JFXSpinner
): jfoenixc.JFXSpinner = if (v != null) v.delegate else null
// extends Control(delegate)
// with SFXDelegate[jfoenixc.JFXSpinner]
* Wraps [[JFoenix JFXSpinner]]
class JFXSpinner(
override val delegate: jfoenixc.JFXSpinner = new jfoenixc.JFXSpinner
) extends ProgressIndicator(delegate) {
def radius = delegate.getRadius()
def radius_=(radius: Double) = delegate.setRadius(radius)
def startingAngle = delegate.startingAngleProperty()
def startingAngle_=(angle: Double) = delegate.setStartingAngle(angle)