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package nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls
import javafx.{scene => jfxs}
import org.kordamp.ikonli.{javafx => ikonlifx}
import scalafx.scene.paint.Paint
import scalafx.scene.text.Text
object FontIcon {
implicit def sfxText2jfx(v: FontIcon): jfxs.text.Text =
if (v != null) v.delegate else null
// extends Shape(delegate)
// with PositionDelegate[ikonlifx.FontIcon]
// with SFXDelegate[ikonlifx.FontIcon]
class FontIcon(override val delegate: ikonlifx.FontIcon = new ikonlifx.FontIcon)
extends Text(delegate) {
// def iconCode_=(v: Ikon) = delegate.setIconCode(v)
def iconColor = delegate.getIconColor()
def iconColor_=(color: Paint) = delegate.setIconColor(color)
def iconSize = delegate.getIconSize()
def iconSize_=(size: Int) = delegate.setIconSize(size)
def iconLiteral = delegate.getIconLiteral()
def iconLiteral_=(literal: IconLiteral) =
def iconLiteral_=(literal: String) = delegate.setIconLiteral(literal)
sealed abstract class IconLiteral(val value: String)
object IconLiteral {
// fab-accusoft
case object Gmi10k extends IconLiteral("gmi-10k")