package nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls import com.jfoenix.{controls => jfoenixc} import javafx.scene.{control => jfxsc} import scalafx.Includes._ import import scalafx.delegate.SFXDelegate import scalafx.scene.control.IndexedCell import scalafx.scene.control.ListView object JFXListCell { implicit def sfxListCell2jfx[T]( l: JFXListCell[T] ): jfoenixc.JFXListCell[T] = if (l != null) l.delegate else null } class JFXListCell[T]( override val delegate: jfoenixc.JFXListCell[T] = new jfoenixc.JFXListCell[T] ) extends IndexedCell(delegate) with SFXDelegate[jfoenixc.JFXListCell[T]] { /** * The ListView associated with this Cell. */ def listView: ReadOnlyObjectProperty[jfxsc.ListView[T]] = delegate.listViewProperty /** * Updates the ListView associated with this Cell. */ def updateListView(listView: ListView[T]): Unit = { delegate.updateListView(listView) } }