package nova.monadic_sfx.pages import nova.monadic_sfx.AppTypes import scalafx.scene.control.TextField import scalafx.scene.control._ import scalafx.scene.layout.VBox import scalafx.scene.Node import scalafx.Includes._ import scalafx.scene.Parent import scalafx.application.JFXApp.PrimaryStage import nova.monadic_sfx.http.requests.DummyRequest import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler // import io.odin.syntax._ // import _root_.monix.eval.Task // import io.odin.monix._ // import // import javafx.event.{ActionEvent, EventHandler} class LoginPage( appStage: PrimaryStage, backend: AppTypes.HttpBackend, system: ) { val dummyRequester = new DummyRequest(backend) //pure function callbacks, but with side effects still private def onLogout(stage: PrimaryStage) = for { _ <- Task { println("logging out") } root <- render _ <- Task(stage.scene().setRoot(root)) } yield () private def onLogin(stage: PrimaryStage) = Task.deferAction { implicit Scheduler => for { _ <- Task(println("logging in")) root <- Task { stage .scene() .setRoot( HomePage( backend, system, () => runFxTask(onLogout(appStage)) ) ) } } yield () } private lazy val root = Task.deferAction(implicit scheduler => Task { new VBox { children = Seq( new Label { text = "username" }, new TextField(), new Label { text = "password" }, new TextField(), new Button { text = "Login" onAction = () => runFxTask { Task .parZip2( dummyRequester .send(), // .executeOn( onLogin(appStage) ) } } ) } } ) def render: Task[Parent] = root /** * Implicitly runs monix task as fire and forget. \ * For use in ScalaFX callbacks. * * @param task * @param s */ def runFxTask[T](task: => Task[T])(implicit s: Scheduler) = { task.runAsyncAndForget } } object LoginPage { def apply( appStage: PrimaryStage, backend: AppTypes.HttpBackend, system: ) = new LoginPage(appStage, backend, system).render }