
This commit is contained in:
Rohan Sircar 2021-12-07 16:30:13 +05:30
parent 672851aeeb
commit 5b0cfcae8c
33 changed files with 1224 additions and 1023 deletions

View File

@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ resolvers += "jitpack" at ""
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.typelevel" %% "cats-core" % "2.2.0",
"org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % "2.2.0",
"io.monix" %% "monix" % "3.3.0",
"io.monix" %% "monix" % "3.4.0",
"io.monix" %% "monix-bio" % "1.1.0",
"io.circe" %% "circe-core" % "0.13.0",
"io.circe" %% "circe-generic" % "0.13.0",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
javafx-dispatcher {
type = "Dispatcher"
executor = "nova.monadic_sfx.executors.JavaFXEventThreadExecutorServiceConfigurator"
executor = "nova.monadic_sfx.concurrent.JavaFXEventThreadExecutorServiceConfigurator"
throughput = 1
akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error = on

View File

@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
package nova.monadic_sfx
import cats.syntax.eq._
import io.odin.Logger
import monix.eval.Coeval
import monix.execution.cancelables.CompositeCancelable
import monix.{eval => me}
import nova.monadic_sfx.concurrent.Schedulers
import nova.monadic_sfx.implicits._
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.FX
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.components.router.FXRouter
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.components.router.Page
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.components.todo.TodoListStore
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.components.todo.TodoListView
import nova.monadic_sfx.util.MediaPlayerResource
import nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls.JFXButton
import nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls.JFXDialog
import nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls.JFXTextField
import nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls.VideoView
import org.gerweck.scalafx.util._
import org.kordamp.bootstrapfx.BootstrapFX
import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.application.JFXApp3.PrimaryStage
import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer
import scalafx.geometry.Insets
import scalafx.geometry.Pos
import scalafx.scene.Node
import scalafx.scene.Parent
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.control.Label
import scalafx.scene.control.TableColumn
import scalafx.scene.control.TableView
import scalafx.scene.control.Tooltip
import scalafx.scene.layout.BorderPane
import scalafx.scene.layout.HBox
import scalafx.scene.layout.Priority
import scalafx.scene.layout.StackPane
import scalafx.util.Duration
import nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls.ActionObservableDsl
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import scala.util.Random
import cats.effect.Resource
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.FXComponent
object App {
val _scene = Coeval(new Scene {
root = new HBox {
padding = Insets(20)
// style = """| -fx-background-color: rgb(38, 38, 38);
// | -fx-text-fill: white;""".stripMargin
stylesheets ++= Seq(
os.rel / "static" / "css" / "main.css"
val stage = Coeval(new PrimaryStage {
title = "Simple ScalaFX App"
scene = _scene.value()
minWidth = 700
minHeight = 520
width = 1280
height = 720
// resizable = false
final class App(
// spawnProtocol: ActorSystem[SpawnProtocol.Command],
fx: FX,
schedulers: Schedulers,
startTime: Long,
mediaPlayer: MediaPlayerResource
)(implicit logger: Logger[Task]) {
// val program = MyFxApp
// .resource(schedulers, stage)
// .evalMap { fxApp =>
// new MainAppDelegate(schedulers, mediaPlayer, _scene).init
// .flatMap(mainSceneNode => Task(_scene.getChildren += mainSceneNode))
// .executeOn(schedulers.fx) >> Task.pure(fxApp)
// }
// .use { fxApp =>
// for {
// // _ <- Task(stage.resizable = false).executeOn(schedulers.fx)
// currentTime <- IO.clock.realTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
// _ <-
// s"Application started in ${(currentTime - startTime) / 1000f} seconds"
// )
// // _ <- Task(CSSFX.start(stage))
val buttonStyle = """| -fx-padding: 0.7em 0.57em;
| -fx-font-size: 14px;
| -jfx-button-type: RAISED;
| -fx-background-color: rgb(77,102,204);
| -fx-pref-width: 200;
| -fx-text-fill: WHITE; """.stripMargin
val router = new FXRouter[Page]
// val players = mediaPlayerFactory.mediaPlayers
// val videoPlayerController = players.newEmbeddedMediaPlayer()
// mediaPlayer.controller.videoSurface.set(
// videoSurfaceForImageView(videoView)
// )
// val videoPlayerControllerCleanup =
// Task(videoPlayerController.controls().stop()) >>
// Task(videoPlayerController.release())
val videoPage = Coeval {
new BorderPane { pane =>
// val mp = new MediaPlayer(
// new Media(
// ""
// // ""
// )
// ) {
// autoPlay = true
// }
// obs(pane).subscribe()(schedulers.async)
hgrow = Priority.Always
center = new VideoView(mediaPlayer.controller) {
alignmentInParent = Pos.Center
preserveRatio = true
// hgrow = Priority.Always
// this.prefWidth <== pane.prefWidth
// fitWidth = _scene.width.value - 40
// _scene.width
// .map(_ - 40)
// .onChange((_, _, value) => fitWidth.value = value)
// (new DoubleProperty).<==( - 10))
// fitWidth.<==( - 10))
padding = Insets(0, 0, 5, 0)
bottom = new HBox {
val mrl = new StringProperty
spacing = 5
children ++= Seq(
new JFXTextField {
text = ""
text ==> mrl
prefWidth = 100
minWidth = 80
new JFXButton {
text = "Play Video"
style = buttonStyle
onAction = _ => {
if (
// .play(
// ""
// )
// .play("")
new JFXButton {
text = "Resume"
style = buttonStyle
onAction = _ => mediaPlayer.controller.controls().play()
new JFXButton {
text = "Pause"
style = buttonStyle
onAction = _ => mediaPlayer.controller.controls().pause()
new JFXButton {
text = "Stop"
style = buttonStyle
tooltip = new Tooltip {
text = "Stop"
showDelay = Duration(200)
onAction = _ => mediaPlayer.controller.controls().stop()
new JFXButton {
text = "Get Status"
style = buttonStyle
onAction = _ => {
val init = for {
routerStore <- Resource.eval(router.store2(Page.Home, logger))
todoStore <- Resource.eval(TodoListStore(logger))
todoComponent <- TodoListView(todoStore)
videoPage <- Resource.eval([Task])
resolver: PartialFunction[Page, Parent] = {
case Page.Home => videoPage
// engine.load("")
// engine.load("")
// engine.load("")
case Page.UserHome =>
new Label {
styleClass ++= Seq("text-white")
text = s"User Home, Id = ${Random.nextInt()}"
case Page.Todo => todoComponent.node
routerNode <- FXComponent(implicit cc =>
.deferAction(implicit s =>
Task(new HBox { box =>
// implicit val cc = CompositeCancelable()
alignment = Pos.Center
//TODO find a better way to do this
// videoView.fitWidth <== box.prefWidth
children <-- router
// call cancel on the old component to cancel all subscriptions
.scan[Parent](new Label("empty")) { case (a, b) => b }
.doOnNextF(s => logger.debug(s"Actual receive: $s"))
mainSceneNode <- FXComponent(implicit cc =>
Task.deferAction(implicit s =>
Task(new StackPane { root =>
import ActionObservableDsl._
alignment = Pos.Center
hgrow = Priority.Always
vgrow = Priority.Always
children = new BorderPane {
hgrow = Priority.Always
vgrow = Priority.Always
center = routerNode.node
bottom = new HBox {
// implicit val cc = CompositeCancelable()
alignment = Pos.Center
spacing = 20
children = Seq(
new JFXButton {
text = "Forward"
style = buttonStyle => FXRouter.Forward) --> routerStore.sink
disable <-- {
case (_, FXRouter.State(_, h)) =>
h.state.sp == h.state.values.size - 1
new JFXButton {
text = "Backward"
style = buttonStyle
obsAction.mapEval(_ =>
me.Task(println("Fired")) >> me.Task.pure(FXRouter.Backward)
) --> routerStore.sink
disable <-- routerStore.source
.doOnNextF(b => Coeval(println(s"Received1: $b")))
.map {
case (_, FXRouter.State(_, h)) => h.state.sp == 0
new JFXButton {
text = "Home"
style = buttonStyle
disable <-- routerStore.source
.map { case (_, FXRouter.State(p, _)) => p === Page.Home } =>
) --> routerStore.sink
new JFXButton {
text = "Todo"
style = buttonStyle
disable <-- routerStore.source
.map { case (_, FXRouter.State(p, _)) => p === Page.Todo } =>
) --> routerStore.sink
new JFXButton {
text = "UserHome"
style = buttonStyle
disable <-- routerStore.source
.map {
case (_, FXRouter.State(p, _)) => p === Page.UserHome
} =>
) --> routerStore.sink
new JFXButton {
text = "Dialog"
style = buttonStyle
val d = new JFXDialog {
content = new HBox {
style = "-fx-background-color: black"
children = Seq(new Label {
styleClass ++= Seq("text-white")
text = "Sample Dialog"
padding = Insets(20)
onAction = () =>
} yield mainSceneNode
final class TestModel(_name: String, _age: Int) {
val name = StringProperty(_name).readOnly
val age = ObjectProperty(_age).readOnly
object Test {
val items = ObservableBuffer(
new TestModel("hmm", 1),
new TestModel("hmm2", 2)
val ttv = new TableView[TestModel](items) {
columns ++= Seq(
new TableColumn[TestModel, String] {
text = "Name"
cellValueFactory = { }
new TableColumn[TestModel, Int] {
text = "Age"
cellValueFactory = { _.value.age }

View File

@ -7,12 +7,9 @@ import cats.implicits._
import io.odin._
import io.odin.config._
import io.odin.syntax._
import nova.monadic_sfx.actors.ActorModule
import nova.monadic_sfx.http.HttpModule
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.UiModule
trait MainModule extends ActorModule with UiModule with HttpModule {
object Loggers {
def routerLogger(defaultLogger: Logger[Task], storeLogger: Logger[Task]) =
"" -> storeLogger,
@ -37,5 +34,5 @@ trait MainModule extends ActorModule with UiModule with HttpModule {
formatter = Middlewares.format
).withAsync(timeWindow = 10.millis)
routerLogger <- routerLogger(defaultLogger, middlewareLogger)
} yield (routerLogger)
} yield routerLogger

View File

@ -1,37 +1,52 @@
package nova.monadic_sfx
import _root_.monix.execution.Scheduler
import cats.effect.ExitCode
import cats.effect.Resource
import com.softwaremill.macwire._
import io.odin._
import nova.monadic_sfx.executors._
import monix.execution.Scheduler
import nova.monadic_sfx.concurrent._
import nova.monadic_sfx.util.MediaPlayerResource
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.FX
// import nova.monadic_sfx.util.IOUtils._
// import sttp.client.httpclient.monix.HttpClientMonixBackend
object Main extends MainModule with BIOApp {
val schedulers = new Schedulers()
object Main extends BIOApp {
val schedulers = Schedulers.default
override def scheduler: Scheduler = schedulers.async
override def scheduler: Scheduler = schedulers.async.value
def appResource(startTime: Long) =
for {
implicit0(logger: Logger[Task]) <- makeLogger
// backend and actorsystem are for future use
// backend <- Resource.make(
// toIO(HttpClientMonixBackend()(schedulers.async))
// )(c => toIO(c.close()))
// actorSystem <- actorSystemResource(logger)
MediaPlayerResource <- MediaPlayerResource()
_ <- Resource.liftF(wire[MainApp].program)
} yield ()
val appResource = for {
startTime <- Resource.eval(Task(System.currentTimeMillis()))
logger <- Loggers.makeLogger
// backend and actorsystem are for future use
// backend <- Resource.make(
// toIO(HttpClientMonixBackend()(schedulers.async))
// )(c => toIO(c.close()))
// actorSystem <- actorSystemResource(logger)
fx <- FX.resource(schedulers, App.stage)(logger)
mediaPlayerResource <- MediaPlayerResource()
rootComponent = new App(fx, schedulers, startTime, mediaPlayerResource)(
_ <- Resource.eval(
.evalMap(c =>
for {
_ <- Task.unit
_ <- fx.addToScene(UIO.pure(c.node))
_ <- fx.await
} yield ()
.use(_ => Task.unit)
// _ <- Resource.eval(f)
// _ <- Resource.eval(fx.await)
} yield ()
override def run(args: List[String]): UIO[ExitCode] =
.use(_ => Task.unit)
.onErrorHandleWith(ex => UIO(ex.printStackTrace()))

View File

@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
package nova.monadic_sfx
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import scala.util.Random
import cats.effect.Resource
import cats.syntax.eq._
import cats.syntax.option._
import com.softwaremill.macwire._
import io.odin.Logger
import monix.eval.Coeval
import monix.execution.cancelables.CompositeCancelable
import monix.{eval => me}
import nova.monadic_sfx.executors.Schedulers
import nova.monadic_sfx.implicits._
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.MyFxApp
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.components.router.FXRouter
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.components.router.Page
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.components.todo.TodoListStore
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.components.todo.TodoListView
import nova.monadic_sfx.util.MediaPlayerResource
import nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls.JFXButton
import nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls.JFXDialog
import nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls.JFXTextField
import nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls.VideoView
import org.gerweck.scalafx.util._
import org.kordamp.bootstrapfx.BootstrapFX
import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.application.JFXApp3.PrimaryStage
import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer
import scalafx.geometry.Insets
import scalafx.geometry.Pos
import scalafx.scene.Node
import scalafx.scene.Parent
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.control.Button
import scalafx.scene.control.Label
import scalafx.scene.control.TableColumn
import scalafx.scene.control.TableView
import scalafx.scene.control.Tooltip
import scalafx.scene.layout.BorderPane
import scalafx.scene.layout.HBox
import scalafx.scene.layout.Priority
import scalafx.scene.layout.StackPane
import scalafx.util.Duration
class MainApp(
// spawnProtocol: ActorSystem[SpawnProtocol.Command],
schedulers: Schedulers,
startTime: Long,
mediaPlayer: MediaPlayerResource
)(implicit logger: Logger[Task]) {
private lazy val _scene = new Scene {
root = new HBox {
padding = Insets(20)
// style = """| -fx-background-color: rgb(38, 38, 38);
// | -fx-text-fill: white;""".stripMargin
stylesheets ++= Seq(
os.rel / "static" / "css" / "main.css"
private lazy val stage = new PrimaryStage {
title = "Simple ScalaFX App"
scene = _scene
minWidth = 700
minHeight = 520
width = 1280
height = 720
// resizable = false
(for {
(stopSignal, fxAppFib) <- MyFxApp.resource(schedulers, stage)
i <- Resource.make(Task(1))(_ => Task.unit)
} yield (stopSignal, fxAppFib, i)).use {
case (a, b, c) => Task.unit
val program = MyFxApp
.resource(schedulers, stage)
.evalMap {
case (stopSignal, fxAppFib) =>
.flatMap(mainSceneNode => Task(_scene.getChildren += mainSceneNode))
.executeOn(schedulers.fx) >> Task.pure(stopSignal -> fxAppFib)
.use {
case (stopSignal, fxAppFib) =>
for {
// _ <- Task(stage.resizable = false).executeOn(schedulers.fx)
currentTime <- IO.clock.realTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
_ <-
s"Application started in ${(currentTime - startTime) / 1000f} seconds"
// _ <- Task(CSSFX.start(stage))
_ <- fxAppFib.join
} yield ()
class MainAppDelegate(
schedulers: Schedulers,
mediaPlayer: MediaPlayerResource,
_scene: Scene
)(implicit logger: Logger[Task]) {
val buttonStyle = """| -fx-padding: 0.7em 0.57em;
| -fx-font-size: 14px;
| -jfx-button-type: RAISED;
| -fx-background-color: rgb(77,102,204);
| -fx-pref-width: 200;
| -fx-text-fill: WHITE; """.stripMargin
val router = new FXRouter[Page]
// val players = mediaPlayerFactory.mediaPlayers
// val videoPlayerController = players.newEmbeddedMediaPlayer()
// mediaPlayer.controller.videoSurface.set(
// videoSurfaceForImageView(videoView)
// )
// val videoPlayerControllerCleanup =
// Task(videoPlayerController.controls().stop()) >>
// Task(videoPlayerController.release())
val videoPage = new BorderPane { pane =>
// val mp = new MediaPlayer(
// new Media(
// ""
// // ""
// )
// ) {
// autoPlay = true
// }
// obs(pane).subscribe()(schedulers.async)
hgrow = Priority.Always
center = new VideoView(mediaPlayer.controller) {
alignmentInParent = Pos.Center
preserveRatio = true
// hgrow = Priority.Always
// this.prefWidth <== pane.prefWidth
fitWidth = _scene.width.value - 40
.map(_ - 40)
.onChange((_, _, value) => fitWidth.value = value)
// (new DoubleProperty).<==( - 10))
// fitWidth.<==( - 10))
padding = Insets(0, 0, 5, 0)
bottom = new HBox {
val mrl = new StringProperty
spacing = 5
children ++= Seq(
new JFXTextField {
text = ""
text ==> mrl
prefWidth = 100
minWidth = 80
new JFXButton {
text = "Play Video"
style = buttonStyle
onAction = _ => {
if (
// .play(
// ""
// )
// .play("")
new JFXButton {
text = "Resume"
style = buttonStyle
onAction = _ => mediaPlayer.controller.controls().play()
new JFXButton {
text = "Pause"
style = buttonStyle
onAction = _ => mediaPlayer.controller.controls().pause()
new JFXButton {
text = "Stop"
style = buttonStyle
tooltip = new Tooltip {
text = "Stop"
showDelay = Duration(200)
onAction = _ => mediaPlayer.controller.controls().stop()
new JFXButton {
text = "Get Status"
style = buttonStyle
onAction = _ => {
val init: Task[Node] = for {
routerStore <-, logger)
todoStore <- TodoListStore(logger)
todoComponent <- TodoListView(todoStore)
resolver: PartialFunction[Page, Parent] = {
case Page.Home => videoPage
// engine.load("")
// engine.load("")
// engine.load("")
case Page.UserHome =>
new Label {
styleClass ++= Seq("text-white")
text = s"User Home, Id = ${Random.nextInt()}"
case Page.Todo => todoComponent
routerNode: Node <-
.deferAction(implicit s =>
Task(new HBox { box =>
alignment = Pos.Center
//TODO find a better way to do this
// videoView.fitWidth <== box.prefWidth
children <-- router
// call cancel on the old component to cancel all subscriptions
.scan[Parent](new Label("empty")) { case (a, b) => b }
.doOnNextF(s => logger.debug(s"Actual receive: $s"))
mainSceneNode <- Task.deferAction(implicit s =>
Task(new StackPane { root =>
alignment = Pos.Center
hgrow = Priority.Always
vgrow = Priority.Always
children = new BorderPane {
hgrow = Priority.Always
vgrow = Priority.Always
center = routerNode
bottom = new HBox {
implicit val cc = CompositeCancelable()
alignment = Pos.Center
spacing = 20
children = Seq(
new JFXButton {
text = "Forward"
style = buttonStyle
) --> routerStore
disable <-- {
case (_, FXRouter.State(_, h)) =>
h.state.sp == h.state.values.size - 1
new JFXButton {
text = "Backward"
style = buttonStyle
me.Task(println("Fired")) >> me.Task.pure(FXRouter.Backward)
) --> routerStore
disable <-- routerStore
.doOnNextF(b => Coeval(println(s"Received1: $b")))
.map {
case (_, FXRouter.State(_, h)) => h.state.sp == 0
new JFXButton {
text = "Home"
style = buttonStyle
disable <-- routerStore
.map { case (_, FXRouter.State(p, _)) => p === Page.Home }
) --> routerStore
new JFXButton {
text = "Todo"
style = buttonStyle
disable <-- routerStore
.map { case (_, FXRouter.State(p, _)) => p === Page.Todo }
) --> routerStore
new JFXButton {
text = "UserHome"
style = buttonStyle
disable <-- routerStore
.map { case (_, FXRouter.State(p, _)) => p == Page.UserHome }
) --> routerStore
new JFXButton {
text = "Dialog"
style = buttonStyle
val d = new JFXDialog {
content = new HBox {
style = "-fx-background-color: black"
children = Seq(new Label {
styleClass ++= Seq("text-white")
text = "Sample Dialog"
padding = Insets(20)
onAction = () =>
} yield mainSceneNode
class TestModel(_name: String, _age: Int) {
val name = StringProperty(_name).readOnly
val age = ObjectProperty(_age).readOnly
object Test {
val items = ObservableBuffer(
new TestModel("hmm", 1),
new TestModel("hmm2", 2)
val ttv = new TableView[TestModel](items) {
columns ++= Seq(
new TableColumn[TestModel, String] {
text = "Name"
cellValueFactory = { }
new TableColumn[TestModel, Int] {
text = "Age"
cellValueFactory = { _.value.age }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package nova.monadic_sfx.executors
package nova.monadic_sfx.concurrent
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package nova.monadic_sfx.concurrent
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger
import monix.execution.Scheduler
import monix.execution.UncaughtExceptionReporter
import monix.execution.schedulers.TracingScheduler
import cats.effect.Blocker
final case class Schedulers(
io: Schedulers.IoScheduler,
async: Schedulers.AsyncScheduler,
fx: Schedulers.FxScheduler
object Schedulers {
val reporter = UncaughtExceptionReporter { ex =>
val logger = Logger[Schedulers]
logger.error("Uncaught exception", ex)
val default = Schedulers(
final case class AsyncScheduler(value: Scheduler)
final case class IoScheduler(value: Scheduler) {
val blocker = Blocker.liftExecutionContext(value)
final case class FxScheduler(value: Scheduler)

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
package nova.monadic_sfx.executors
trait ExecutorsModule {
lazy val schedulers = new Schedulers()

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
package nova.monadic_sfx.executors
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger
import monix.execution.Scheduler
import monix.execution.UncaughtExceptionReporter
import monix.execution.schedulers.TracingScheduler
class Schedulers(
val blocking: Scheduler = TracingScheduler(
val async: Scheduler = Scheduler.traced
val fx: Scheduler = TracingScheduler(
object Schedulers {
val reporter = UncaughtExceptionReporter { ex =>
val logger = Logger[Schedulers]
logger.error("Uncaught exception", ex)

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import scalafx.event.subscriptions.Subscription
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.control.ButtonBase
import scalafx.scene.control.MenuItem
trait JavaFXMonixObservables {
import JavaFXMonixObservables._
@ -106,9 +107,9 @@ object JavaFXMonixObservables {
final class PropertyExt[T, J](private val prop: Property[T, J])
extends AnyVal {
def -->[J1 >: J](sub: Observer[J1]) = {
prop.onChange((a, b, c) => if (c != null) sub.onNext(c))
// def -->[J1 >: J](sub: Observer[J1]) = {
// prop.onChange((a, b, c) => if (c != null) sub.onNext(c))
// }
def ==>(op: Property[T, J]) = {
op <== prop
@ -141,18 +142,24 @@ object JavaFXMonixObservables {
final class ObjectPropertyExt[A](private val prop: ObjectProperty[A])
extends AnyVal {
def -->(sub: Observer[A]) =
prop.onChange((a, b, c) =>
if (c != null)
if (sub.onNext(c) == Ack.Stop) throw new Exception("boom")
// def -->(sub: Observer[A]) =
// prop.onChange((a, b, c) =>
// if (c != null)
// if (sub.onNext(c) == Ack.Stop) throw new Exception("boom")
// )
def ==>(op: Property[A, A]) = {
prop.onChange((a, b, c) => if (c != null) op() = c)
def -->(sink: Sink2[A])(implicit s: Scheduler, c: CompositeCancelable) =
c += observableChange.doOnNextF(sink.offer).subscribe()
def ==>(op: Property[A, A])(implicit c: CompositeCancelable) = {
val canc = prop.onChange((a, b, c) => if (c != null) op() = c)
c += Cancelable(() => canc.cancel())
def <--(obs: Observable[A])(implicit s: Scheduler) = {
obs.doOnNextF(v => Coeval(prop() = v)).subscribe()
def <--(
obs: Observable[A]
)(implicit s: Scheduler, c: CompositeCancelable) = {
c += obs.doOnNextF(v => Coeval(prop() = v)).subscribe()
def observableChange[J1 >: A]: Observable[J1] = {
@ -170,9 +177,8 @@ object JavaFXMonixObservables {
final class ObservableListExt[A](
private val buffer: ObservableBuffer[A]
) extends AnyVal {
final class ObservableListExt[A](private val buffer: ObservableBuffer[A])
extends AnyVal {
// def -->(sub: Observer[A]) =
// buffer.onChange((a, b, c) => if (c != null) sub.onNext(c))
@ -181,8 +187,10 @@ object JavaFXMonixObservables {
// buffer.onChange((a, b, c) => if (c != null) op() = c)
// }
def <--(obs: Observable[A])(implicit s: Scheduler) = {
def <--(
obs: Observable[A]
)(implicit s: Scheduler, c: CompositeCancelable) = {
c += obs
.doOnNextF(v =>
for {
_ <- Coeval(buffer.clear())
@ -192,35 +200,35 @@ object JavaFXMonixObservables {
def observableChange[J1 >: A]: Observable[J1] = {
import monix.execution.cancelables.SingleAssignCancelable
Observable.create(OverflowStrategy.Unbounded) { sub =>
val c = SingleAssignCancelable()
// def observableChange[J1 >: A]: Observable[J1] = {
// import monix.execution.cancelables.SingleAssignCancelable
// Observable.create(OverflowStrategy.Unbounded) { sub =>
// val c = SingleAssignCancelable()
implicit val s = sub.scheduler
// implicit val s = sub.scheduler
val canc =
buffer.onChange((buf, _) =>
loop(sub, buf.toIterable.iterator, c).runToFuture
// val canc =
// buffer.onChange((buf, _) =>
// loop(sub, buf.toIterable.iterator, c).runToFuture
// )
c := Cancelable(() => canc.cancel())
// c := Cancelable(() => canc.cancel())
// c
// }
// }
private def loop(
sub: Observer[A],
it: Iterator[A],
c: Cancelable
): Task[Unit] =
if (it.hasNext) {
val next =
Task.deferFuture(sub.onNext(next)).flatMap {
case Ack.Continue => loop(sub, it, c)
case Ack.Stop => Task(c.cancel())
} else Task.unit
// private def loop(
// sub: Observer[A],
// it: Iterator[A],
// c: Cancelable
// ): Task[Unit] =
// if (it.hasNext) {
// val next =
// Task.deferFuture(sub.onNext(next)).flatMap {
// case Ack.Continue => loop(sub, it, c)
// case Ack.Stop => Task(c.cancel())
// }
// } else Task.unit
final class StringObservableListExt(
@ -235,9 +243,9 @@ object JavaFXMonixObservables {
final class ReadOnlyPropertyExt[T, J](
private val prop: ReadOnlyProperty[T, J]
) extends AnyVal {
def -->[J1 >: J](sub: Observer[J1]) = {
prop.onChange((a, b, c) => if (c != null) sub.onNext(c))
// def -->[J1 >: J](sub: Observer[J1]) = {
// prop.onChange((a, b, c) => if (c != null) sub.onNext(c))
// }
def ==>(op: Property[T, J]) = {
op <== prop
@ -261,45 +269,50 @@ object JavaFXMonixObservables {
final class ObjectPropertyObservableListExt[A](
private val prop: ObjectProperty[ObservableList[A]]
) extends AnyVal {
def <--(obs: Observable[Seq[A]])(implicit s: Scheduler) = {
obs.doOnNext(v => me.Task(prop() = ObservableBuffer.from(v))).subscribe()
def <--(
obs: Observable[Seq[A]]
)(implicit s: Scheduler, c: CompositeCancelable) = {
c += obs
.doOnNext(v => me.Task(prop() = ObservableBuffer.from(v)))
def -->(sub: Observer[A])(implicit s: Scheduler) = {
val c = SingleAssignCancelable()
val subs: Subscription = prop.onChange((a, b, c1) =>
if (c1 != null)
.use(consume(sub, c, _))
c := Cancelable(() => subs.cancel())
// def -->(sub: Observer[A])(implicit s: Scheduler) = {
// val c = SingleAssignCancelable()
// val subs: Subscription = prop.onChange((a, b, c1) =>
// if (c1 != null)
// Iterant[Task]
// .fromIterable(c1.toIterable)
// .consume
// .use(consume(sub, c, _))
// .runToFuture
// )
// c := Cancelable(() => subs.cancel())
// }
private def loop(sub: Observer[A], it: Iterator[A]): Task[Unit] =
if (it.hasNext) {
val next =
Task.deferFuture(sub.onNext(next)).flatMap {
case Ack.Continue => loop(sub, it)
case Ack.Stop => Task.unit
} else Task.unit
// private def loop(sub: Observer[A], it: Iterator[A]): Task[Unit] =
// if (it.hasNext) {
// val next =
// Task.deferFuture(sub.onNext(next)).flatMap {
// case Ack.Continue => loop(sub, it)
// case Ack.Stop => Task.unit
// }
// } else Task.unit
private def consume(
sub: Observer[A],
c: Cancelable,
consumer: Iterant.Consumer[Task, A]
): Task[Unit] =
consumer.pull.flatMap {
case Left(value) => Task.unit
case Right(value) =>
Task.deferFuture(sub.onNext(value)).flatMap {
case Ack.Continue => consume(sub, c, consumer)
case Ack.Stop => Task(c.cancel())
// private def consume(
// sub: Observer[A],
// c: Cancelable,
// consumer: Iterant.Consumer[Task, A]
// ): Task[Unit] =
// consumer.pull.flatMap {
// case Left(value) => Task.unit
// case Right(value) =>
// Task.deferFuture(sub.onNext(value)).flatMap {
// case Ack.Continue => consume(sub, c, consumer)
// case Ack.Stop => Task(c.cancel())
// }
// }

View File

@ -2,10 +2,23 @@ package nova.monadic_sfx
import monix.eval.TaskLike
import monix.reactive.Observable
package object implicits
extends MySfxObservableImplicits
with JavaFXMonixObservables {
implicit final class MonixEvalTaskExt[T](private val task: monix.eval.Task[T])
extends AnyVal {
def toIO = IO.deferAction(implicit s => IO.from(task))
implicit final class MonixBioTaskExt[T](private val task:[T])
extends AnyVal {
def toTask =
monix.eval.Task.deferAction(implicit s => monix.eval.Task.from(task))
implicit class SttpWsOps[F[_]](private val ws:[F])
extends AnyVal {
def observableSource(implicit F: TaskLike[F]) =

View File

@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ import scalafx.scene.layout.VBox
import scalafx.scene.paint.Color._
import scalafx.scene.paint._
import scalafx.scene.text.Text
import monix.eval.Coeval
object DefaultUI {
val scene =
new Scene {
object DefaultScene {
def apply() =
Coeval(new Scene {
fill = Color.rgb(38, 38, 38)
content = new VBox {
alignment = Pos.Center
@ -48,5 +49,5 @@ object DefaultUI {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package nova.monadic_sfx.ui
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import cats.effect.Resource
import io.odin.Logger
import monix.execution.CancelablePromise
import nova.monadic_sfx.concurrent.Schedulers
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.DefaultScene
import scalafx.application.JFXApp3
import scalafx.application.JFXApp3.PrimaryStage
import monix.eval.Coeval
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.Parent
import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.scene.Node
final class FX private (
schedulers: Schedulers,
delegate: JFXApp3,
val await: Task[Unit],
val awaitStop: Task[Unit]
)(implicit logger: Logger[Task]) {
def runOnFx[E, A](io: IO[E, A]) = io.executeOn(schedulers.fx.value)
def addToScene(node: UIO[Node]) =
runOnFx {
for {
p <- node
_ <- UIO(delegate.stage.scene().getChildren += p)
} yield ()
object FX {
def resource(
schedulers: Schedulers,
stage: Coeval[PrimaryStage],
initialScene: Coeval[Scene] = DefaultScene(),
transitionDelay: FiniteDuration = 500.millis
logger: Logger[Task]
): Resource[Task, FX] =
.make(for {
_ <-"Starting FX App")
makePromise = UIO(CancelablePromise[Unit]())
startSignal <- makePromise
stopSignal <- makePromise
delegate <- Task(new JFXApp3 {
def start(): Unit = {
stage = new PrimaryStage {
scene = initialScene.value()
override def stopApp(): Unit = {
fib <-
fxApp <- Task(
new FX(
_ <- Task.fromCancelablePromise(startSignal)
_ <- Task.sleep(transitionDelay)
_ <- Task(delegate.stage = stage.value())
} yield fxApp -> fib) { case _ -> fib => fib.cancel }
.map { case a -> _ => a }

View File

@ -14,43 +14,42 @@ import scalafx.scene.text.Font
import cats.effect.Resource
final class FXComponent private (
val rootNode: Parent,
val cancelable: Cancelable
val node: Parent,
private val cancelable: Cancelable
) {
// def toNode(implicit c: CompositeCancelable): Node = {
// c += cancelable
// rootNode
// }
object FXComponent {
def acquire(f: CompositeCancelable => Task[Parent]) =
private def acquire(f: CompositeCancelable => Task[Parent]) =
for {
c <- Task(CompositeCancelable())
p <- f(c)
} yield new FXComponent(p, c)
def fxComponent2Node(
component: FXComponent
)(implicit c: CompositeCancelable): Node = {
c += component.cancelable
def resource(f: CompositeCancelable => Task[Parent]) =
def apply(f: CompositeCancelable => Task[Parent]) =
Resource.make(acquire(f))(comp => Task(comp.cancelable.cancel()))
object TestFXComp {
val testComp =
FXComponent.resource { implicit c =>
Task.deferAction { implicit s =>
Task {
val sub = ConcurrentSubject.publish[jfxc.text.Font]
val f = ObjectProperty(Font("hmm"))
new TextField {
font <-- sub
font <== f
// val testComp =
// FXComponent.resource { implicit c =>
// Task.deferAction { implicit s =>
// Task {
// val sub = ConcurrentSubject.publish[jfxc.text.Font]
// val f = ObjectProperty(Font("hmm"))
// sub.onNext(f())
// new TextField {
// font <-- sub
// font <== f
// }
// }
// }
// }
// val x = for {
// comp <- testComp

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
package nova.monadic_sfx.ui
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import cats.effect.Resource
import io.odin.Logger
import monix.execution.CancelablePromise
import nova.monadic_sfx.executors.Schedulers
import nova.monadic_sfx.ui.DefaultUI
import scalafx.application.JFXApp3
import scalafx.application.JFXApp3.PrimaryStage
class MyFxApp(val schedulers: Schedulers)(implicit logger: Logger[Task]) {
private def internal(
startSignal: CancelablePromise[Unit],
stopSignal: CancelablePromise[Unit]
) =
new JFXApp3 {
def start(): Unit = {
stage = new PrimaryStage {
scene = DefaultUI.scene
override def stopApp(): Unit = {
object MyFxApp {
def resource(