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  1. package nova.monadic_sfx.ui.components.todo
  2. import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
  3. import cats.effect.concurrent.Deferred
  4. import io.odin.Logger
  5. import
  6. import monix.catnap.ConcurrentChannel
  7. import monix.catnap.ConsumerF
  8. import monix.execution.Scheduler
  9. import monix.reactive.Observable
  10. import monix.reactive.Observer
  11. import nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls.FontIcon
  12. import nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls.IconLiteral
  13. import nova.monadic_sfx.util.controls.JFXListView
  14. import nova.monadic_sfx.implicits._
  15. import
  16. import scalafx.Includes._
  17. import
  18. import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer
  19. import scalafx.scene.control.ContextMenu
  20. import scalafx.scene.control.ListCell
  21. import scalafx.scene.control.MenuItem
  22. import scalafx.scene.control.SelectionMode
  23. import scalafx.scene.layout.HBox
  24. import scalafx.scene.text.Text
  25. class TodoListViewOld(
  26. val listView: JFXListView[Todo] = TodoListViewOld.defaultListView,
  27. val lvObs: ObservableBuffer[Todo] = ObservableBuffer.empty
  28. ) {
  29. listView.items = lvObs
  30. }
  31. object TodoListViewOld {
  32. def defaultListView =
  33. new JFXListView[Todo] {
  34. contextMenu = new ContextMenu {
  35. items ++= Seq(
  36. new MenuItem {
  37. text = "delete"
  38. },
  39. new MenuItem {
  40. text = "edit"
  41. }
  42. )
  43. }
  44. }
  45. implicit class Operations[A](val sink: Observer[A]) extends AnyVal {}
  46. def defaultListView2(
  47. store: MonixProSubject[
  48. TodoListComponentOld.Command,
  49. (TodoListComponentOld.Command, Vector[Todo])
  50. ]
  51. ): Task[JFXListView[Todo]] =
  52. Task.deferAction(implicit s =>
  53. Task {
  54. val todos =
  55. { case (_, items) => items }
  56. val listView = new JFXListView[Todo] { lv =>
  57. def selectedItems = lv.selectionModel().selectedItems.view
  58. // items = todos
  59. items <-- todos
  60. // .map(ObservableBuffer.from(_))
  61. cellFactory = _ =>
  62. new ListCell[Todo] {
  63. val _text = StringProperty("")
  64. val _graphic = new HBox {
  65. children = Seq(
  66. new FontIcon {
  67. iconSize = 10
  68. iconLiteral = IconLiteral.Gmi10k
  69. },
  70. new Text {
  71. text <== _text
  72. }
  73. )
  74. }
  75. item.onChange((_, _, todo) => {
  76. println("called")
  77. if (todo != null) {
  78. _text() = s"${} - ${todo.content}"
  79. graphic = _graphic
  80. } else {
  81. _text() = ""
  82. graphic = null
  83. }
  84. })
  85. }
  86. selectionModel().selectionMode = SelectionMode.Multiple
  87. contextMenu = new ContextMenu {
  88. items ++= Seq(
  89. new MenuItem {
  90. text = "Add"
  91. onAction = _ =>
  92. store.sink
  93. .onNext(TodoListComponentOld.Add(Todo(1, "blah3")))
  94. },
  95. new MenuItem {
  96. text = "Delete"
  97. // onAction = _ =>
  98. // for {
  99. // items <- Option(lv.selectionModel().selectedItems)
  100. // _ <- Some(items.foreach(item => deleteSub.onNext(item)))
  101. // } yield ()
  102. onAction = _ =>
  103. selectedItems
  104. .map(todo => TodoListComponentOld.Delete(
  105. .foreach(store.sink.onNext)
  106. },
  107. new MenuItem {
  108. text = "Edit"
  109. // onAction = _ =>
  110. // Option(lv.selectionModel().selectedItems).foreach(items =>
  111. // items.foreach(item => editSub.onNext(item))
  112. // )
  113. }
  114. )
  115. }
  116. }
  117. listView
  118. }
  119. )
  120. }
  121. private[todo] class TodoListComponentImpure(
  122. todoListView: TodoListViewOld
  123. ) {
  124. def add(todo: Todo) = todoListView.lvObs += todo
  125. def find(id: Int) = todoListView.lvObs.find( == id)
  126. def edit(id: Int, content: String) =
  127. find(id)
  128. .map(todo =>
  129. todoListView.lvObs.replaceAll(
  130. todo,
  131. Todo(id, content)
  132. )
  133. )
  134. .getOrElse(false)
  135. }
  136. class TodoListOps private (
  137. props: TodoListOps.Props
  138. ) {
  139. import props._
  140. // lazy val internal = new TodoListComponentImpure(todoListView)
  141. // def add(todo: Todo) = Task(internal.add(todo))
  142. def add(todo: Todo) = Task(todoListView.lvObs += todo).executeOn(fxScheduler)
  143. def find(id: Int) =
  144. Task(todoListView.lvObs.find( == id)).executeOn(fxScheduler)
  145. def delete(id: Int) =
  146. (for {
  147. mbTodo <- find(id)
  148. _ <- logger.debug(mbTodo.toString())
  149. res <- Task(
  150. => todoListView.lvObs.removeAll(todo))
  151. )
  152. _ <- logger.debug(todoListView.lvObs.toString())
  153. } yield res.getOrElse(false)).executeOn(fxScheduler)
  154. def edit(id: Int, content: String) =
  155. (for {
  156. mbTodo <- find(id)
  157. res <- Task(
  158. =>
  159. todoListView.lvObs.replaceAll(
  160. todo,
  161. Todo(id, content)
  162. )
  163. )
  164. )
  165. } yield res.getOrElse(false)).executeOn(fxScheduler)
  166. }
  167. object TodoListOps {
  168. class Props(
  169. val todoListView: TodoListViewOld,
  170. val fxScheduler: Scheduler,
  171. val logger: Logger[Task]
  172. ) {
  173. def create = Task(new TodoListOps(this))
  174. }
  175. }
  176. object TodoListComponentOld {
  177. sealed trait Complete
  178. object Complete extends Complete
  179. sealed trait Command
  180. // sealed trait Tell extends Command
  181. // sealed abstract class Ask extends Command
  182. case class Add(todo: Todo) extends Command
  183. case class Find(id: Int, result: Deferred[Task, Option[Todo]]) extends Command
  184. case class Edit(id: Int, content: String) extends Command
  185. case class Delete(id: Int) extends Command
  186. // private case class FindInternal(id: Int, result: Deferred[Task, Todo])
  187. // extends Ask
  188. def reducer(
  189. state: Vector[Todo],
  190. action: TodoListComponentOld.Command
  191. ) =
  192. action match {
  193. case Add(todo) => state :+ todo
  194. // case Find(id, result) =>
  195. case Edit(id, content) => state
  196. case Delete(id) =>
  197. state.filterNot( == id)
  198. case _ => state
  199. }
  200. val store =
  201. Store
  202. .createL[TodoListComponentOld.Command, Vector[Todo]](
  203. TodoListComponentOld.Delete(0),
  204. Vector.empty[Todo],
  205. (s: Vector[Todo], a: TodoListComponentOld.Command) =>
  206. reducer(s, a) -> Observable.empty
  207. )
  208. class Props(
  209. val todoListView: TodoListViewOld,
  210. val fxScheduler: Scheduler,
  211. val channel: ConcurrentChannel[
  212. Task,
  213. TodoListComponentOld.Complete,
  214. TodoListComponentOld.Command
  215. ],
  216. val logger: Logger[Task]
  217. ) {
  218. def create =
  219. for {
  220. todoListOps <-
  221. new TodoListOps.Props(todoListView, fxScheduler, logger).create
  222. consumer = channel.consume.use(ref => todoConsumer(ref, todoListOps))
  223. _ <- consumer.startAndForget
  224. } yield (new TodoListComponentOld(this))
  225. private def todoConsumer(
  226. consumer: ConsumerF[Task, Complete, Command],
  227. ops: TodoListOps
  228. ): Task[Unit] =
  229. consumer.pull
  230. .flatMap {
  231. case Left(complete) =>"Received `Complete` event")
  232. case Right(command) =>
  233. logger.debug(s"Received command $command") >>
  234. (command match {
  235. // case t: Tell =>
  236. // t match {
  237. // case Add(todo) => ops.add(todo)
  238. // case _ => Task.unit
  239. // }
  240. case Add(todo) => ops.add(todo)
  241. // case Find(id) =>
  242. // for {
  243. // p <- Deferred[Task, Todo]
  244. // _ <- channel.push(FindInternal(id, p))
  245. // res <- p.get
  246. // } yield (res)
  247. case Find(id, result) =>
  248. for {
  249. mbTodo <- ops.find(id)
  250. } yield result.complete(mbTodo)
  251. // case _ => Task.unit
  252. case Delete(id) => ops.delete(id)
  253. case Edit(id, content) => ops.edit(id, content)
  254. })
  255. }
  256. .flatMap(_ => todoConsumer(consumer, ops))
  257. }
  258. }
  259. class TodoListComponentOld(props: TodoListComponentOld.Props) {
  260. import props._
  261. import TodoListComponentOld._
  262. def send(command: Command) = channel.push(command)
  263. def ask[T](
  264. commandBuilder: Deferred[Task, T] => Command
  265. )(implicit timeout: FiniteDuration) =
  266. for {
  267. p <- Deferred[Task, T]
  268. _ <- channel.push(commandBuilder(p))
  269. res <- p.get.timeout(timeout)
  270. } yield res
  271. def stop = channel.halt(Complete)
  272. // import scala.concurrent.duration._
  273. // val x = ask(FindInternal(0, _))(2.seconds)
  274. }
  275. // object TodoListComponent {
  276. // sealed trait Complete
  277. // object Complete extends Complete
  278. // sealed trait Command
  279. // class Props(
  280. // val todoListView: TodoListView,
  281. // val fxScheduler: Scheduler,
  282. // val channel: ConcurrentChannel[
  283. // Task,
  284. // TodoListComponent.Complete,
  285. // TodoListComponent.Command
  286. // ]
  287. // ) {
  288. // def create = Task(new TodoListComponent(this))
  289. // }
  290. // }
  291. // class TodoListComponent(props: TodoListComponent.Props) {
  292. // import props._
  293. // import TodoListComponent._
  294. // def init =
  295. // for {
  296. // todoListOps <- new TodoListOps.Props(todoListView, fxScheduler).create
  297. // consumer = channel.consume.use(ref => todoConsumer(ref, todoListOps))
  298. // _ <- consumer.startAndForget
  299. // } yield ()
  300. // def send(command: Command) = channel.push(command)
  301. // def todoConsumer(
  302. // consumer: ConsumerF[Task, Complete, Command],
  303. // ops: TodoListOps
  304. // ) =
  305. // consumer.pull.flatMap {
  306. // case Left(value) => Task.unit
  307. // case Right(value) => Task.unit
  308. // }
  309. // }
  310. // def askHandler(
  311. // channel: ConcurrentChannel[
  312. // Task,
  313. // TodoListComponent.Complete,
  314. // TodoListComponent.Command
  315. // ],
  316. // consumer: ConsumerF[Task, Complete, Command],
  317. // ops: TodoListOps
  318. // ) =
  319. // consumer.pull.flatMap {
  320. // case Left(complete) => Task.unit
  321. // case Right(command) =>
  322. // command match {
  323. // case a: Ask =>
  324. // a match {
  325. // case Find(id) =>
  326. // for {
  327. // p <- Deferred[Task, Todo]
  328. // _ <- channel.push(FindInternal(id, p))
  329. // res <- p.get
  330. // } yield (res)
  331. // case FindInternal(id, result) =>
  332. // for {
  333. // mb <- ops.find(id)
  334. // } yield result.complete(mb.get)
  335. // case _ => Task.unit
  336. // }
  337. // case _ => Task.unit
  338. // }
  339. // }