A self hosted chat application with end-to-end encrypted messaging.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
1.8 KiB

--INSERT INTO `admins` (`admin_id`, `user_id`) VALUES
--(1, 3);
--INSERT INTO `chat_messages` (`m_id`, `from_user`, `to_user`, `message`, `message_time`) VALUES
--(5, 3, 6, 3, '2019-09-28 15:42:15'),
--(6, 8, 3, 9, '2019-09-30 10:38:18'),
--(7, 8, 6, 10, '2019-09-30 10:40:31'),
--(8, 8, 3, 11, '2019-09-30 10:42:54'),
--(9, 3, 8, 4, '2019-09-30 12:40:16'),
--(10, 8, 3, 12, '2019-09-30 13:47:41'),
--(11, 8, 13, 13, '2019-09-30 13:47:48'),
--(12, 8, 6, 14, '2019-09-30 13:48:00'),
--(13, 8, 3, 15, '2019-10-01 06:34:10'),
--(14, 8, 3, 16, '2019-10-01 06:37:19'),
--(15, 8, 13, 17, '2019-10-01 06:56:07'),
--(16, 8, 13, 18, '2019-10-01 20:42:32'),
--(17, 3, 6, 19, '2019-10-01 20:44:59'),
--(18, 3, 13, 20, '2019-10-02 04:47:23'),
--(19, 3, 8, 21, '2019-10-02 04:56:07'),
--(20, 3, 8, 22, '2019-10-02 04:56:19'),
--(21, 3, 3, 23, '2019-10-02 06:42:21'),
--(22, 8, 3, 24, '2019-10-02 07:14:02'),
--(23, 3, 8, 25, '2019-10-02 09:07:13'),
--(24, 8, 13, 26, '2019-10-02 09:17:28'),
--(25, 8, 3, 27, '2019-10-02 09:18:54'),
--(26, 8, 3, 28, '2019-10-02 09:20:49'),
--(27, 3, 8, 29, '2019-10-02 09:47:29'),
--(28, 3, 8, 30, '2019-10-02 09:47:58'),
--(29, 3, 8, 31, '2019-10-02 10:14:32');
--INSERT INTO `chatmessage` (`Id`, `Message`, `userName`, `MsgTime`, `colorSelected`) VALUES
--(400, '', 'dae', '2019/08/19 12:58:52', '333'),
--(401, 'aegqe\n', 'dae', '2019/08/19 12:58:52', '333');
--INSERT INTO `users` (`user_id`, `name`, `password`, `join_date`) VALUES
--(3, 'user2', '$2a$10$nLhkNrGu0/2ahSlULoQ0ROvUK2sRTEZBV014BLB/W9nBSMxy0rTGy', '2019-09-23 07:44:59'),
--(6, 'novo', '$2a$10$nLhkNrGu0/2ahSlULoQ0ROvUK2sRTEZBV014BLB/W9nBSMxy0rTGy', '2019-09-23 07:45:06'),
--(8, 'hmm', '$2a$10$k4tASmvqJ1mPA7avuzAnSO1KmWOmNhp7K8Y5Yg.dV/VXMX2L73/Ma', '2019-09-23 07:40:56'),
--(13, 'hmm2', '$2a$10$F.lMGPDXOguXWehMf1fvq.7XqzbFZWweLv3DYwB.1zpDEuPDcKBv6', '2019-09-23 13:46:33');