Testing out the Rust framework Actix-Web to create a JSON API CRUD Web App. ## API Demo ### Get Users ``` curl -X GET http://localhost:7800/api/users ``` ``` { "name": "user1", "registration_date": "2020-05-09T06:17:26" } ``` ``` curl -X GET http://localhost:7800/api/users ``` ``` [ { "name": "user1", "registration_date": "2020-05-09T06:17:26" }, { "name": "user2", "registration_date": "2020-05-12T12:43:13" }, { "name": "user3", "registration_date": "2020-05-15T07:47:50" } ] ``` ### Create User ``` curl -H "content-type: application/json" \ -X PUT \ -i http://localhost:7800/api/users \ --data '{"name":"user4","password":"test"}' ``` ``` [ { "name": "user1", "registration_date": "2020-05-09T06:17:26" }, { "name": "user2", "registration_date": "2020-05-12T12:43:13" }, { "name": "user3", "registration_date": "2020-05-15T07:47:50" }, { "name": "user4", "registration_date": "2020-08-01T05:04:05" } ] ``` ## Memory Usage Memory usage as compared to interpreted languages was my primary motivation for looking into rust as a backend language. As of writing, the demo app uses less than 50MB of memory. ## License AGPLv3