You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
721 B

  1. []
  2. install_crate = "watch"
  3. command = "cargo"
  4. args = ["watch", "-x", "run"]
  5. [tasks.format]
  6. install_crate = "rustfmt"
  7. command = "cargo"
  8. args = ["fmt", "--all"]
  9. [tasks.format-check]
  10. install_crate = "rustfmt"
  11. command = "cargo"
  12. args = ["fmt", "--all", "--", "--check"]
  13. [tasks.clippy-check]
  14. install_crate = "clippy"
  15. command = "cargo"
  16. args = ["clippy", "--all", "--", "-D", "warnings"]
  17. [tasks.lint-check]
  18. dependencies = ["format-check", "clippy-check"]
  19. [tasks.compile]
  20. command = "cargo"
  21. args = ["build"]
  22. [tasks.test]
  23. command = "cargo"
  24. args = ["test", "--lib"]
  25. []
  26. command = "cargo"
  27. args = ["test", "--test", "integration"]
  28. [tasks.stage]
  29. dependencies = ["lint-check", "compile", "test", "it-test"]