Testing out JmonkeyEngine to make a game in Scala with Akka Actors within a pure FP layer
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package wow.doge.mygame.events
// import akka.event.ActorEventBus
// import akka.event.ManagedActorClassification
// import akka.event.ActorClassifier
import akka.actor.typed.ActorRef
// import akka.actor.ActorSystem
// import akka.event.EventBus
// import akka.util.Subclassification
// import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import akka.actor.typed.Behavior
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.Behaviors
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import akka.event.EventStream
// private[events] final case class ClassificationMessage(ref: ActorRef, id: Int)
// class ActorBusImpl(val system: ActorSystem, val busSize: Int)
// extends ActorEventBus
// with ActorClassifier
// with ManagedActorClassification {
// type Event = ClassificationMessage
// // is used for extracting the classifier from the incoming events
// override protected def classify(event: Event): ActorRef = event.ref
// // determines the initial size of the index data structure
// // used internally (i.e. the expected number of different classifiers)
// override protected def mapSize: Int = busSize
// }
// class StartsWithSubclassification extends Subclassification[String] {
// override def isEqual(x: String, y: String): Boolean =
// x == y
// override def isSubclass(x: String, y: String): Boolean =
// x.startsWith(y)
// }
// import akka.event.SubchannelClassification
// final case class MsgEnvelope(topic: String, payload: Any)
// import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.adapter._
// /**
// * Publishes the payload of the MsgEnvelope when the topic of the
// * MsgEnvelope starts with the String specified when subscribing.
// */
// class SubchannelBusImpl extends EventBus with SubchannelClassification {
// type Event = Any
// type Classifier = Class[_]
// type Subscriber = ActorRef
// // Subclassification is an object providing `isEqual` and `isSubclass`
// // to be consumed by the other methods of this classifier
// // override protected val subclassification: Subclassification[Classifier] =
// // new StartsWithSubclassification
// private val initiallySubscribedOrUnsubscriber =
// new AtomicReference[Either[Set[ActorRef], ActorRef]](Left(Set.empty))
// override protected implicit val subclassification
// : Subclassification[Classifier] = new Subclassification[Class[_]] {
// def isEqual(x: Class[_], y: Class[_]) = x == y
// def isSubclass(x: Class[_], y: Class[_]) = y.isAssignableFrom(x)
// }
// // is used for extracting the classifier from the incoming events
// override protected def classify(event: Event): Classifier = event.getClass()
// // will be invoked for each event for all subscribers which registered
// // themselves for the event’s classifier
// override protected def publish(event: Event, subscriber: Subscriber): Unit = {
// // subscriber ! event.payload
// subscriber ! event
// }
// }
object EventBus {
sealed trait Command[A]
final case class Publish[A, E <: A](event: E, publisher: ActorRef[_])
extends Command[A]
* Subscribe a typed actor to listen for types or subtypes of E
* by sending this command to the [[akka.actor.typed.ActorSystem.eventStream]].
* ==Simple example==
* {{{
* sealed trait A
* case object A1 extends A
* //listen for all As
* def subscribe(actorSystem: ActorSystem[_], actorRef: ActorRef[A]) =
* actorSystem.eventStream ! EventStream.Subscribe(actorRef)
* //listen for A1s only
* def subscribe(actorSystem: ActorSystem[_], actorRef: ActorRef[A]) =
* actorSystem.eventStream ! EventStream.Subscribe[A1](actorRef)
* }}}
final case class Subscribe[A, E <: A](subscriber: ActorRef[E])(implicit
classTag: ClassTag[E]
) extends Command[A] {
def topic: Class[_] = classTag.runtimeClass
* Unsubscribe an actor ref from the event stream
* by sending this command to the [[akka.actor.typed.ActorSystem.eventStream]].
final case class Unsubscribe[A, E <: A](subscriber: ActorRef[E])
extends Command[A]
def apply[A](): Behavior[EventBus.Command[A]] =
Behaviors.setup { ctx =>
val eventStream = new EventStream(ctx.system.classicSystem)
new EventBus().eventStreamBehavior(eventStream)
class EventBus[B] {
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.adapter._
private def eventStreamBehavior(
eventStream: akka.event.EventStream
): Behavior[EventBus.Command[B]] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case EventBus.Publish(event, publisher) =>
case s @ EventBus.Subscribe(subscriber) =>
eventStream.subscribe(subscriber.toClassic, s.topic)
case EventBus.Unsubscribe(subscriber) =>