Testing out JmonkeyEngine to make a game in Scala with Akka Actors within a pure FP layer
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package wow.doge.mygame
import monix.bio.Task
import cats.effect.Resource
import io.odin.syntax._
import cats.effect.ExitCode
import cats.implicits._
import com.softwaremill.macwire._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import monix.bio.BIOApp
import monix.bio.UIO
import monix.bio.IO
import io.odin._
import wow.doge.mygame.implicits._
import wow.doge.mygame.game.GameAppResource
import io.odin.json.Formatter
object Main extends BIOApp with MainModule {
import java.util.logging.{Logger => JLogger, Level}
def appResource =
for {
logger <-
consoleLogger().withAsync(timeWindow = 1.milliseconds) |+|
).withAsync(timeWindow = 1.milliseconds)
jmeScheduler <- jMESchedulerResource
// consoleTextArea <- Resource.liftF(Task(new TextArea()))
// consoleStream <- wireWith(JFXConsoleStream.textAreaStream _)
(gameApp, gameAppFib) <- {
// new BulletAppState()
// bas.setThreadingType(Thr)
// gameAppResource(new StatsAppState())
// _ <- Resource.liftF(IO(JMERunner.runner = gameApp))
// _ <- Resource.liftF(IO {
// new ActorSystemModule {}
// })
actorSystem <- wireWith(actorSystemResource _)
_ <- Resource.liftF(
gameApp.enqueueT(actorSystem ! RootActor.Start(actorSystem.scheduler))
// _ <- Resource.liftF {
// Task {
// implicit val sched = actorSystem.scheduler
// implicit val timeout = Timeout(2.seconds)
// // val module = new EventsModule {}
// }
// }
// actorSystem <- wireWith(actorSystemResource2 _)
// (tickEventBus, playerMovementEventBus) <- wireWith(eventBusesResource _)
// rootActor <- wireWith(rootActorResource _)
// inputSystemHandler <- {
// inputHandlerSystemResource(
// GameInputHandler.Props(gameApp.inputManager, playerMovementEventBus)
// )
// }
// gameSystemsInitializer <-
// gameSystemsResource(actorSystem, inputSystemHandler)
// _ <- Resource.liftF(
// gameApp.enqueueT(rootActor ! RootActor.Start(actorSystem.scheduler))
// )
// _ <- Resource.liftF {
// IO(gameApp.start())
// .executeOn(jmeScheduler)
// }
// (_ => IO(gameApp.stop(() => actorSystem ! RootActor.Stop)))
} yield (gameAppFib)
def run(args: List[String]): UIO[ExitCode] = {
// Console.withOut(
// new JFXConsoleStream(
// new scalafx.scene.control.TextArea(),
// new ByteArrayOutputStream(35)
// )
// )(())