Testing out JmonkeyEngine to make a game in Scala with Akka Actors within a pure FP layer
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package wow.doge.mygame.game
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.actor.typed.SupervisorStrategy
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.Behaviors
import wow.doge.mygame.game.TickGenerator.Send
import wow.doge.mygame.utils.GenericTimerActor
import wow.doge.mygame.implicits._
import wow.doge.mygame.subsystems.events.EventBus
import wow.doge.mygame.subsystems.events.EventsModule.GameEventBus
import wow.doge.mygame.subsystems.events.TickEvent
import wow.doge.mygame.subsystems.events.TickEvent.PhysicsTick
object GameAppActor {
sealed trait Command
case object Start extends Command
case object Pause extends Command
case object Stop extends Command
case class Props(tickEventBus: GameEventBus[TickEvent]) {
def behavior =
Behaviors.setup[Command] { ctx =>
ctx.log.infoP("Hello from GameAppActor")
val renderTickGenerator =
val tickGeneratorTimer = ctx.spawn(
.Props(renderTickGenerator, TickGenerator.Send, 10.millis)
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Start =>
tickGeneratorTimer ! GenericTimerActor.Start
case Pause =>
tickGeneratorTimer ! GenericTimerActor.Stop
case Stop =>
ctx.log.info("Received stop")
tickGeneratorTimer ! GenericTimerActor.Stop
val renderTickGeneratorBehavior =
Behaviors.receiveMessage[TickGenerator.Command] {
case Send =>
tickEventBus ! EventBus.Publish(
object TickGenerator {
sealed trait Command
case object Send extends Command
object SubscribingActor {
def apply() =
Behaviors.receive[PhysicsTick.type] { (ctx, msg) =>
ctx.log.debugP(s"received event $msg")
object Methods {
def old() = {
// val movementActor =
// ctx.spawn(
// MovementActor(MovementActor.Props(app, geom)),
// "movementActor"
// // DispatcherSelector.fromConfig("jme-dispatcher")
// )
// val movementActorTimer = ctx.spawn(
// MovementActorTimer(movementActor),
// "movementActorTimer"
// )
def old2() = {
// ctx.log.info("here")
// {
// implicit val s = schedulers.async
// Task
// .parZip2(
// loggerL.info("Test").executeOn(app.scheduler),
// app
// .enqueueL(() => loggerL.info("here 2").executeOn(app.scheduler))
// .flatten
// )
// .runToFuture
// }
// app
// .getRootNode()
// .depthFirst(s =>
// // s match {
// // case node: Node =>
// // println("node" + s.getName() + " children " + node.getChildren())
// // case g: Geometry => println(s.getName())
// // }
// println(s.getName())
// )
// println("----------------")
// {
// app
// .getRootNode()
// .observableDepthFirst()
// .map(s => s.getName())
// // .takeWhileInclusive(_.getName() != "level")
// .onErrorHandle(e => e.getMessage())
// .foreach(println)(schedulers.async)
// }
// println("----------------")
// {
// app
// .getRootNode()
// .observableBreadthFirst()
// .map(s => s.getName())
// // .takeWhileInclusive(_.getName() != "level")
// .onErrorHandle(e => e.getMessage())
// .foreach(println)(schedulers.async)
// }
// app.start()
// Behaviors.same
// new PlayerMovementState(
// // movementActor,
// // movementActorTimer,
// imMovementActor,
// // geom,
// // camNode,
// playerNode
// // ctx.self
// )