Testing out JmonkeyEngine to make a game in Scala with Akka Actors within a pure FP layer
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package wow.doge.mygame.state
import javax.script.ScriptEngine
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager
import akka.actor.typed.ActorRef
import akka.actor.typed.Behavior
import akka.actor.typed.LogOptions
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.ActorContext
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.Behaviors
import ammonite.Main
import ammonite.main.Defaults
import ammonite.runtime.Storage.Folder
import ammonite.util.Res.Success
import cats.implicits._
import com.softwaremill.tagging._
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger
import groovy.util.GroovyScriptEngine
import org.slf4j.event.Level
object ScriptActor {
trait Kotlin
type KotlinScriptEngine = ScriptEngine @@ Kotlin
final case class Error(reason: String)
sealed trait Command
final case class CompileAny(
path: os.Path,
result: ActorRef[Either[Error, Any]]
) extends Command
final case class CompileAll(
paths: Seq[os.Path],
result: ActorRef[Map[os.Path, Either[Error, Any]]]
) extends Command
lazy val defaultScalaRunner =
storageBackend = new Folder(
// os.pwd / "target"
isRepl = false
lazy val defaultKotlinRunner: KotlinScriptEngine = {
val manager = new ScriptEngineManager()
val engine = manager.getEngineByExtension("main.kts")
lazy val defaultGroovyRunner: GroovyScriptEngine =
new GroovyScriptEngine(os.pwd.toString)
def apply(
scalaRunner: Main = defaultScalaRunner,
kotlinRunner: KotlinScriptEngine = defaultKotlinRunner,
groovyRunner: GroovyScriptEngine = defaultGroovyRunner
): Behavior[ScriptActor.Command] =
Behaviors.setup(ctx =>
new ScriptActor(
sealed trait ScriptType
case object ScalaType extends ScriptType
case object KotlinType extends ScriptType
case object GroovyType extends ScriptType
def determineScriptType(path: os.Path): Either[Error, ScriptType] =
path.toString match {
case s if s.endsWith(".sc") => Right(ScalaType)
case s if s.endsWith(".main.kts") => Right(KotlinType)
case s if s.endsWith(".groovy") => Right(GroovyType)
case _ => Left(Error("Unknown script type"))
def runScala(path: os.Path, scalaRunner: ammonite.Main): Either[Error, Any] =
._1 match {
case ammonite.util.Res.Exception(t, msg) => Left(Error(msg))
case Success(obj) => Right(obj)
case _ => Left(Error("Failed to run script"))
def runKotlin(
path: os.Path,
kotlinRunner: KotlinScriptEngine
): Either[Error, Any] =
.leftMap(t => Error(t.getMessage()))
def runGroovy(
path: os.Path,
groovyRunner: GroovyScriptEngine
): Either[Error, Any] =
.catchNonFatal(groovyRunner.run(path.relativeTo(os.pwd).toString(), ""))
.leftMap(t => Error(t.getMessage()))
def ensureReturnedObjectNotNull(scriptObject: Any): Either[Error, Any] =
Either.fromOption(Option(scriptObject), Error("unknown object"))
class ScriptActor(
val scalaRunner: ammonite.Main,
val kotlinRunner: ScriptActor.KotlinScriptEngine,
val groovyRunner: GroovyScriptEngine,
context: ActorContext[ScriptActor.Command]
) {
import ScriptActor._
def receiveMessage: Behavior[Command] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case CompileAny(path, requester) =>
context.log.debug(s"Received $path")
val res = getScript(path)
context.log.debug(s"result = $res")
requester ! res
case CompileAll(paths, requester) =>
context.log.debug(s"Received $paths")
requester ! compileAll(paths)
def getScript(path: os.Path): Either[Error, Any] =
determineScriptType(path) match {
case Right(ScalaType) =>
runScala(path, scalaRunner).flatMap(ensureReturnedObjectNotNull)
case Right(KotlinType) =>
runKotlin(path, kotlinRunner).flatMap(ensureReturnedObjectNotNull)
case Right(GroovyType) =>
runGroovy(path, groovyRunner).flatMap(ensureReturnedObjectNotNull)
case l @ Left(err) => l
type LOL = Map[os.Path, Either[wow.doge.mygame.state.ScriptActor.Error, Any]]
def compileAll(
paths: Seq[os.Path]
): LOL = {
def loop(
paths: Seq[os.Path],
scriptsMap: Map[
Either[wow.doge.mygame.state.ScriptActor.Error, Any]
): LOL = {
paths match {
case head :: next => loop(next, scriptsMap + (head -> getScript(head)))
case Nil => scriptsMap
loop(paths, Map.empty)