Testing out JmonkeyEngine to make a game in Scala with Akka Actors within a pure FP layer
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package com.jme3.input
* Created by Brandon Barker on 6/19/17.
package object controls {
implicit final class ActionListenerWrap(private val uval: ActionListener)
extends AnyVal {
* Called when an input to which this listener is registered to is invoked.
* @param action The action (name) of the mapping that was invoked
* @param isPressed True if the action is "pressed", false otherwise
* @param tpf The time per frame value.
def onAction(action: Action, keyPressed: Boolean, tpf: Float): Unit =
uval.onAction(action.name, keyPressed, tpf)
implicit final class AnalogListenerWrap(private val uval: AnalogListener)
extends AnyVal {
* Called to notify the implementation that an analog event has occurred.
* The results of KeyTrigger and MouseButtonTrigger events will have tpf
* == value.
* @param action The action (name) of the mapping that was invoked
* @param value Value of the axis, from 0 to 1.
* @param tpf The time per frame value.
def onAnalog(action: Action, value: Float, tpf: Float): Unit =
uval.onAnalog(action.name, value, tpf)