Testing out JmonkeyEngine to make a game in Scala with Akka Actors within a pure FP layer
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package com.jme3
import com.jme3.input.Action
package object animation {
implicit class AnimChannelWrap(val uval: AnimChannel) extends AnyVal {
* Set the current animation that is played by this AnimChannel.
* <p>
* See {@link #setAnim(java.lang.String, float)}.
* The blendTime argument by default is 150 milliseconds.
* @param action The action (name) of the animation to play
def setAnim(action: Action): Unit = uval.setAnim(action.name)
* Set the current animation that is played by this AnimChannel.
* <p>
* This resets the time to zero, and optionally blends the animation
* over <code>blendTime</code> seconds with the currently playing animation.
* Notice that this method will reset the control's speed to 1.0.
* @param action The action (name) of the animation to play
* @param blendTime The blend time over which to blend the new animation
* with the old one. If zero, then no blending will occur and the new
* animation will be applied instantly.
def setAnim(action: Action, blendTime: Float): Unit = uval.setAnim(action.name, blendTime)
implicit class AnimEventListenerWrap(val uval: AnimEventListener) extends AnyVal {
* Invoked when an animation "cycle" is done. For non-looping animations,
* this event is invoked when the animation is finished playing. For
* looping animations, this even is invoked each time the animation is restarted.
* @param control The control to which the listener is assigned.
* @param channel The channel being altered
* @param action The new animation action that is done.
def onAnimCycleDone(control: AnimControl, channel: AnimChannel, action: Action): Unit =
uval.onAnimCycleDone(control, channel, action.name)
* Invoked when a animation is set to play by the user on the given channel.
* @param control The control to which the listener is assigned.
* @param channel The channel being altered
* @param action The new animation action set.
def onAnimChange(control: AnimControl, channel: AnimChannel, action: Action): Unit =
uval.onAnimChange(control, channel, action.name)