function incHeight() { var el = document.getElementById('mySection'); var height = el.offsetHeight; console.log("Height = " + height); var newHeight = height + 250; = newHeight + 'px'; } var header = document.querySelector('header'); var section = document.querySelector('section'); function handleErrors(response) { if (!response.ok) { throw Error(response.statusText); } return response; } async function getData() { //await the response of the fetch call let response = await fetch('combinedSettingsFile.txt'); //proceed once the first promise is resolved. let data = await response.json() //proceed only when the second promise is resolved return data; } async function getTemperatures() { //await the response of the fetch call let response = await fetch('temperatures.txt'); //proceed once the first promise is resolved. let data = await response.json() //proceed only when the second promise is resolved return data; } async function getTemperatures2() { //await the response of the fetch call let response = await fetch('api/get/temperatures'); //proceed once the first promise is resolved. let data = await response.json() //proceed only when the second promise is resolved return data; } getTemperatures() .then(data => { data.temperatures.forEach(function(temperature) { console.log(temperature); }) }) // .then(result => { // //Here body is not ready yet, throw promise // if (!result.ok) throw result; // return result.json(); // }) // .then(result => { // //Successful request processing // console.log(result); // }).catch(error => { // //Here is still promise // console.log(error); // error.json().then((body) => { // //Here is already the payload from API // console.log(body); // }); // }) setInterval(function() { let temperaturesSwitch = document.getElementById('temperatures-switch'); if (temperaturesSwitch.checked) { // getTemperatures2() fetch('api/get/temperatures') // .then(handleErrors) .then(result => { //Here body is not ready yet, throw promise if (!result.ok) throw result; return result.json(); }) .then(data => { let p = document.getElementById('temperature'); if (data.status == 'failed') { let errorMessage = sprintf('status = %s reason = %s', data.status, data.message) p.textContent = errorMessage; console.log(errorMessage); } else { p.textContent = ""; data.temperatures.forEach(function(temperature) { console.log("Temperature = " + temperature); temp = sprintf("%05.2f", temperature); p.textContent += temp + ' '; }) // let temp = sprintf("%.2f", 36.72); // p.textContent += temp + ' '; } }) .catch(error => { //Here is still promise // console.log(error); // if (error.status == 404) { // console.log('error = ' + 404); // } // else { // error.json().then((body) => { //Here is already the payload from API // let errorMessage = sprintf('status = %s reason = %s', body.status, body.message) // console.log(errorMessage); // }); // } let p = document.getElementById('temperature'); p.textContent = 'Network Error'; }) } }, 2000 ); //call getData function getData() //.then(data => console.log(data))//log the data .then(function showSettings(data) { var ballasts = data['settings']; console.log(ballasts); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // var myArticle = document.createElement('article'); // var myH2 = document.createElement('h3'); // var myPara1 = document.createElement('p'); // var myPara2 = document.createElement('p'); // var myPara3 = document.createElement('p'); // var myPara4 = document.createElement('p'); // var myPara5 = document.createElement('p'); // // var myList = document.createElement('ul'); // myH2.textContent = 'Ballast' + ' #' + (i + 1); // myPara1.textContent = 'Start Hour: ' + ballasts[i].shour; // myPara2.textContent = 'Start Minute: ' + ballasts[i].smin; // myPara3.textContent = 'Fade Period: ' + ballasts[i].fadePeriod; // myPara4.textContent = 'End Hour: ' + ballasts[i].ehour; // myPara5.textContent = 'End Minute: ' + ballasts[i].emin; // console.log(ballasts[i].shour); // myArticle.appendChild(myH2); // myArticle.appendChild(myPara1); // myArticle.appendChild(myPara2); // myArticle.appendChild(myPara3); // myArticle.appendChild(myPara4); // myArticle.appendChild(myPara5); // // myArticle.appendChild(myList); // section.appendChild(myArticle); let myDiv = document.getElementById('ballast' + (i + 1)); // let myH2 = document.createElement('h3'); let myPara1 = document.createElement('p'); let myPara2 = document.createElement('p'); let myPara3 = document.createElement('p'); let myPara4 = document.createElement('p'); let myPara5 = document.createElement('p'); // myH2.textContent = 'Ballast' + ' #' + (i + 1); myPara1.textContent = 'Start Hour: ' + ballasts[i].shour; myPara2.textContent = 'Start Minute: ' + ballasts[i].smin; myPara3.textContent = 'Fade Period: ' + ballasts[i].fadePeriod; myPara4.textContent = 'End Hour: ' + ballasts[i].ehour; myPara5.textContent = 'End Minute: ' + ballasts[i].emin; // myDiv.appendChild(myH2); myDiv.appendChild(myPara1); myDiv.appendChild(myPara2); myDiv.appendChild(myPara3); myDiv.appendChild(myPara4); myDiv.appendChild(myPara5); } return data; }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // .then(incHeight());